chp 12

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"hm." you heard william say, you lifted your head and looked over to him, he was looking up ahead, "whats wrong?" you asked him,  it took him a second to hear what you said but once he did he responded with "i think theres a road block up ahead." you leaned forward and looked out the window, you squinted your eye to try and see what was up ahead, but it didnt work, "damn still cant see, ill be right back, ima check it out." you said, you got out of the car and walked up ahead.

I guess william guessd right, because there was a road block, there was also a police man standing there, you walked up to him and asked him what was going on, "well we're tryna' find some guy who had robbed some gran's house, but dont worry, we'll catch him soon." he said, it was hard to make out his word because of his strong southern accent, but you nodded and walked back to the car, william had pulled off to the side and waited leaning on the car.

"they're trying to find some guy who robbed an old lady or sme shit." you said as you walked towards him, he got off the car and walked over to your dor, "alright, i guess we're going over to henry's for the night, he lives not far from here." he said as he opened your door, "why thank you good sir." you said as you hopped in, "wait, henry? like that guy that came over not too long ago?" you asked, william got in and done his seatbelt up and started the car again, "yes, he usually has me and Elizabeth over so i dont think he would mind, why do you ask?" he started to drive down an alley, "i just dont trust him..." you said, you folded your arms and leaned back, "oh so you trust me insead?" william looked over to you and flashed a stupid toothy grin, you adjusted in your seat and un-folded your arms, "who knows maybe after tonight ill trust him, and no, i dont trust you." you looked back to see liz still sleeping, william stopped smiling and looked back forward, his eyebrows now slightly furrowed.


liz had woken up on the way there, but she wasnt talking,  every once and a while you would turn back to see her half dozed off, but she would wake herself up, william was also very tired, you could see the bags forming under his eyes, "ohh sshhiittt..." you said, william wuickly looked over than looked back, "whats wrong?" he asked you, "so we arent going to be home right? whats about mike??" you said with a hint of worry in your voice, "dont worry about him, he is staying at a friends house tonight, and even if he decided to come home, he has a spare, or if he forgot it he always finds a different way in." william said tiredly.

You started to notice william dozing off, you started to get worried, "william can you pull over?" you asked, he did as you said, you pat him on the back and told him "you should probably not be drving right now willia, how about we switch places so you can rest." he refused to get out, so you just let it be, but once you would see his eyes close you would pat him on the back.

You have finally managed to get there, it seems like william told henry that you would be over, because he was waiting at the door in a white shirt, long brown bathrobe, pink slippers and blue plaid pajama pants, "ah, i was wondering when you were going to be here." he said as he heloed liz out of the car, "lizzy why dont you go up to charlies room, you'll stay there for tonight." he smiled and watched liz walk off, the  he turned to you, you were opening williams door so he could get out, "thank you henry, im sorry for the trouble.."you said as you put your arm around williams waist, he just smiled and said "it was no problem, surprizingly it happens all the time." you passed william over to him and you all walked inside.

William was passed out on the couch, his tie loosened, and his jacket off, you were talking to henry, **maybe I got the wrong idea..**, "whats wrong?" henry asked, "oh, uhm, well i kinda feel bad, like when we first met i was acting really rude to you, im sorry about that." you replied, henry just smiled and said "its okay, i mean if i woke up in a random persons place, i would be a little rude aswell, by the way, how is the cut doing?" you shivered and said "its fine, ill probably be out of williams place in a few days." you lied, the truth is its been hurting for a while, the cut kept re-opening everytime you would go from sitting to standing, or just walking it would open, it felt horrible, and your leg felt just as bad, you had managed to hide the limping but when no one was around, you would either sit or limp, it sucked, you just wanted to go back home, it was great that you finally had a new start, and you had some new friends, but those friends would have a horrible fate set in for them.

-sorry if this chapter is short-

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