Chp 9

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Your vision was going blurry and dark, and your side had stopped hurting, **"thats probably not good"** you thought, your legs had given out at some point because you had stopped trying to run, you had managed to hide behind something but since you couldnt move to well, you kind of just fell beside it and tried to hide.

William had come around the corner, he pretended not to see you, looking around, "oh well...seems he isnt here, might as well just leave." you could barely see him, but you could make out him going back around the corner, then you felt something tap on your shoulder, your breath hitched.

Shaking your head slightly and slowly you looked up, William was right above where you were hiding,  he was looking down at you, he no longer had that same sadistic smile on his face, instead, he was angry, he came around to the front of you and crouched, "this was a really dumb hiding spot, i could see you from all the way over there" william said, he raised his hand and pointed somehwere, you were to lazy to lift your head.

"how did you find me..?"you said quietly, he leaned in and said "i have my ways, like I said before I will always be able to find you when you run off, your going to be staying with us for a while." 

you started to cry, your legs lifted to your chest as you cuddled them and started to cry, william got pushed back a little bit by you putting your legs up, he was about to get up, but then you lunged at him and was now hugging him, you looked up and said "im sorry, im sorry i wont do it again just dont kill me please.." your eyes were watery and filled with regret and sadness.

Your eyes closed, and you were just about to pass out fully, you felt a hand wrap around you and another hand on your head, then you went out.


You woke up back in Williams bed, but this time, you felt something beside you.

You looked over, just to see an arm, you thought it was Elizabeth so you removed the covers.

That isn't Liz.

It was another child, but they were torn up, parts of their body were mangled, and some parts were even missing.

You tried to scream,  but nothing came out, your voice was lost some where.

So you decided to get out of the bed and run, but as you reached the door, a hallway appeared, and you fell forward.

Then you heard something behind you, you whipped your head around, 5 children were floating there, their eyes were fully black and the rest of them were white, black tears fell down their face.

"You shouldnt be here...̈"

"You need to go back.."

"He is not what he seems.."

They all said something, they were slowly coming closer to you, but then their speed picked up, their hands reaching out to grab you.

You didnt want to know what they would do when they grabbed you.

You got up and ran towards the end of the hallway, but it kept stretching, it was getting further and further away from you,  opposite could be said about the children, every step you took, it seemed like they took two.

You had managed to reach the door without the children gabbing you,  you ripped open the door with all your might, not even noticing the floor wasn't there, you fell down into the endless pit.

The children were following you down, you couldn't escape them.

You tired to scream again, all that came out was a quiet squeak.

The children got to you, they were swarming around your body, you curled up in a ball, giving a false sense of hope, maybe thinking it'll keep you from dying, you felt multiple cold hands grab onto you.

Then nothing.

William Afton x M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now