Chp 14

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You couldnt stop thinking of the kiss william gave you, you still tried not to belive that happened, even though he told you that he meant it.

When you parked in the driveway in the house you quickly got out of the car, you helped lizzy out of her seat and ran to the door, she was trying to open the door, you walked over to her and said "liz, the doors still locked." you smiled at her and she stopped "oh i thought daddy didnt lock it." she folded her arms and leaned on the door, william slowly made his way to the house, "HURRY UP" liz shouted, william got even slower, liz ran towards him and tried to pull him but she was too weak "Y/NNNNNN COME HELP MEE" she yelled, you jogged over to them and started to push william to the door, you did get him to go a little faster but eventually you just gave up, liz folded her arms and turned away from william and you.

"this is unfair!" she pouted, "you're bigger than me AND stronger than me!!" she stormed her way too the door, "well then i guess next time you should be patient with me." william said, he got to the door and unlocked it, you quickly went through the door after william, and went straight upstairs, "woah woah, where are you going graham?" william asked you, you stopped walking down the hall and peaked over the corner and said "oh well i was just going to see if michael was here." william furrowed his brows and nodded, you turned around and went to mikes door.

You knocked on it and waited for a responce, "mike, mike you better be in here i gotta get something off my chest-" you whispered to the door, nothing responded back, you were about to turn around and leave but you heard someone get off the bed in his room, the door then opened to see a slightly pissed off mike.

"where the hell were you?! I had to climb through my fucking window because the goddamn door was locked!" mike whisper yelled at you, you walked into his room and sat down on his bedm "shit sorry mike, there was a road block on our way home, so we stayed over at henry's place for the night." you said, he closed the door and walked towards you, "its alright, by the way, what did you mean when you said you had to get something off your chest?" your face turned a bright shade of pink, you sighed and put your head down, "okay..well uh, so your fathheerr......kindofkissedmeandihonestlydontknowwhattodo." you looked over to mike, his jaw was gaping open, "so wait lemme get this straight, my dad, you know, him, kissed you?-" mike was now standing, he was pacing around the room.

you just shrunk more, "dude i honeslty dont know what to think.." you said, "wait does this mean i have another dad?" mike asked, you shot your head up to him, your face now more red, mike jumped at the door and ran out, "LIZ LIZZY COME HERE NOW" he was running through the house, "MIKE SHUT UP" you screamed chasing after him, "MIKE FUCK SAKE STOP RUNNING IM TOO OLD FOR THIS" you yelled, he just kept running, he ran out the back door, and into the backyard, "LIZZY" he screamed, liz turned around from playing in the dirt, "whats wrong mike?" she asked mike, who was running towards her panting and sweating, "NOTHINGS WRONG, ITS IMPORTANT THAT YOU HEAR THIS" he screamed, you came running around the corner and jumped down the steps to the backyard, you didnt notice william was sitting down in the shade, he was writing something down and watching liz, "MICHAEL AFTON I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DO THIS IM GOING TO WHOOP YOUR ASS." you screamed, you had caught up to him as he was whispering into liz's ear, you ripped him up and patted him on the chest hardly, which made him cough, liz had a very confused look on her face.

**good she didnt understand him** you flopped on the ground beside liz, "nothing you need to worry about Eli." you told her, you saw william get up out fo the corner of your eye, which made you shoot up from the ground and dust yourself off, you awkwardly stood there, mike had already gone back inside to grab some water, and liz had just went back to playing, "what was that all about?" william asked.

"nothing, just mike going to tell liz about something random and stupid so i stopped it!" you said back rushed, he just looked at you with a look of "i know your lying."

William Afton x M!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now