chapter fifteen

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He held his hand out towards me in deadly casualness. I eyed his open hand and grasped it reluctantly, forming a stiff hand shake. He smiled at me causing pins and needles to probe at my spine. He began to pace around me, like a vulture circling its prey.

"where's James ? " i blurted. He stopped and gave a short huff of air.

" hmm, James.....James...Ja...Ahh! you must mean my pathetic son"

I cringed at his acknowlegment of James as his son. James would never be like this man. never. I bit my tongue to prevent myself from blurting out anything else. Max paced around, the stench of mutt oozing off him, I kept my eye on him growing more and more impatient each time his leathered foot crunched on the dirt. He looked at me curiously, as if I was a lab rat behaving differently in some kind of experiment.
" if I'm not mistaken your his mate are you not ?" I eyed him warily before nodding.
"Well why don't you just use the bond and sense where he is" he said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. I flinched as doubt flowered in my mind. The bond? I thought, What bond ? I looked up to see him watching with a smile. I stared at him dumbstruck.. .maybe ....maybe.

" well maybe James isn't your mate after all... Ahh what a shame " my heart twanged as the feelings I wasn't sure I had for James took a blow of doubt, Max had voiced a fear that had been buried in the back of my mind for some time now. A loud chuckle snapped me back to my senses and I stared coldly at Max. " where is James" I said, determined not to let max influence my thoughts anymore, he simply shrugged " obviously not here " he laughed and I yelled,made manning his attention.
"Where then!' Where is he!" Max turned and laughed before leaving the tent. I stood panting before going into a rage and breaking, tearing, smashing everything in my path. When I heard rouges approaching the tent to see heat was the cause of such raucous I moved into a defensive position, but by the sound of their feet o knew I was outnumbered so I ran out the back and into the woods, right past were Rose was, hopping she had the sense to follow me. I ran and ran, the wind catching my hair and tears flying from my cheeks, I heard the gentle of footsteps behind me as Rose weaved in and out of the trees. The noise of distant footsteps approached as I glanced at Rose to see if she had heard the. Too but she showed no sign as she slowly passed me. A snap right behind me made me spin just in time to see a shadow coming towards me, I changed direction and leaped forward. The impact made us fall to the ground, I was in top and before we hit the ground o had the person but the throat. But then I looked into their eyes and my heart stopped, quickly removing me hand I pressed my lips to theirs as tears streamed from my eyes. And it was there while I was straddling James on the forest floor with my lip pressed to his and tears sweeping down my cheeks did I know despite what Max had said and my own doubts, I knew with clarity that James was my mate.


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