Chapter six

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I drove trough out the day, occasionally making pit stops to use the bathroom or get something to eat- but i never stopped for long periods of time. A sickening feeling of unease was creeping up my spine making me feel paranoid. This feeling only grew as i saw flickers of shadows in corners of my eyes , the thing that made this truly terrifying was the fact that i couldn't smell anything- no scent , no trail- almost like some kind of ghost..

As the sun slowly crawled towards the horizon the shadows became more prominent shapes - flickering through the forest at an almost incomprehensible pace- for a human anyway. With my superb night vision , strengthened by my alpha blood i could make out the shapes of two wolves- one a deep chestnut colour and the other white. They ran parallel with my car, flickering in and out of the trees. I would have thought i had crossed onto another pack territory but they're was no scent, no claim to this land, meaning either they're not from here or they don't have an Alpha.

My focus was broken by the flicker or brown in front of my car followed my a heavy thump on the left side sending me into a tailspin. My mind reeled with shock but as i gathered my thoughts i realized i was heading straight for a large oak tree by the side of the road. On instinct i unbuckled and launched out of my seat, across the passenger seat and dived out of the window- smashing it with my arms as i did.

I tucked and rolled a few meters out of the moving car as it collided with the tree. As i stopped i jumped to my feet in a fighting position- prepared to let loose the wrath of an Alpha upon whoever attacked me when a young girl with white blonde hair approached me, she was wrapped in a checkered blanket that she hugged tightly around her body- as if scared that it would blow away leaving her naked. She looked at me with an expression that could have been shock if it had not been for the guttural growl that rumbled from her throat.

A boy with chocolate coloured hair walked up beside the girl, placing a hand on her shoulder and instantly calming her. My first thought was that they were mates and a tiny pang of jealousy made me look away. The girl must of misread my look because she stormed of into the forest, dropping the blanket as she did and shifting in mid air. I was stunned, its very rare that such a young wolf can shift so easily. I took a moment to think about how its even possible for her to do that- i completely forgot about the boy with chestnut hair until he cleared his throat in a not so subtle way to grab my attention.

i snapped my head to him and looked at him. i mean really looked at him- he was half naked, black crinkled jeans hugged his waist and his top half was bare to my hungry eyes. I took in his toned six pack, his bulging biceps and his prominent v-line. He was a god.

I blushed as i realized i had been staring just a bit to long making him chuckle. " sorry Hun, your not my type" he said once again as he chuckled.

I looked into his blue eyes, they gleamed in amusement. I channeled my Alpha blood into my dagger stare. He held it for a few seconds before bowing his head in submission making me raise my head in triumph. He scuffed his shoe for a second before meeting my gaze again. This time he reached out his hand to shake mine.

" I think we got of to a bad start, my names Sam and the other girl is my sister Rose. " he said with a smile that just radiated enthusiasm. i smiled reluctantly and grasped his hand.

" Carlee" i said as i shook with the firm grip of an Alpha.

" so your an Alpha" he said raising one quizzical eyebrow.

" yes i am" i said in a ' whats it to you' tone.

His smiled widened to the point were it was going to send me blind.

" You'll have to excuse Roses manners then, she doesn't like the idea of an Alpha controlling her"

now it was my turn to raise and eyebrow " oh, and how exactly is she planning on resisting an Alphas command? " i said smugly.

A hint of humour dropped from his face and he gave me a warning look. " I find the best way is to take control of them first" i didn't have time to fully comprehend the words before i was hit in the back of the head hard enough to send my vision blurry. i could just make out a flash of white followed by green flashes-trees. i was being carried away-kidnapped. And in the midst of my panic and turmoil all i wanted the most was my mate.

That was all i could think about before everything went black.

A/N hey there so???? isn't this a bit more exciting now!! I'm sure you probably have SO many questions like who the hell is Sam ?!?! whats up with rose?!? and why the KIDNAPPING?!!!!!!!!!!

ALL SHALL BE REVEALED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and dont you DARE to forget to





peace out !

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