Chapter seven

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" Do you think they caught her scent?" said a girl in a hushed voice.

" I hope not, we still need her" a gruff voice mumbled.

That had me jolting my eyes open to see Rose peering out the window as if expecting someone, and Sam pacing around the room slowly running his hand through the thick black mop of brown hair on his head. He noticed my consciousness and rushed over towards me.

" hey your awake" he said in what seemed like a worried tone, but i didn't care. This boy just kidnapped me. How dare he.

I gave him a cold hard stare. he cleared he throat before speaking this time.

" look i know who you are, I'm sorry about the way you got here but we need your help" he said apologetically. i pondered his words for a few moments before speaking.

" i don't understand" i said furrowing my brow slightly, i mean what could I possibly do? he sighed and sat on the edge of the small bed that i lay on.

" there are... wolves in the forest.." he said in a mysterious tone. i looked at him, the furrow i my brow growing deeper.

he looked down and fiddled with the blanket before continuing. " rogues. there are rogues in the forest and there hunting us" that shocked me so much i almost jumped out of my seat. " i guess i should probably leave then, no offence but id prefer to be long gone by the time they realize there was an Alpha on there land" i said as i jumped out of the bed and towards the door.

Before i knew it a hand flashed out before me seizing my wrist as i was about to open the door. i looked  into the sterling blue eyes of Rose who looked at me with an empty yet dangerous expression.

" Please, we need you" her grip tightening on my wrist to the point where i was sure it would have left a bruise if not for my advanced healing. Sam looked almost said as he spoke the next words that would spin my world into turmoil.

" Its too late"

my heart jumped in my throat

"they're here"

A/N hey im sorry i know my chapters are soo short! ill try and make them longer.

anyway soo many secerets to be revealed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

please dont forget to




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