Chapter twenty two

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Trees and scents blurred around me as i ran, my instinct guiding my feet. An invisible silver cord tugging me in the right direction. Rose and Sam were all that mattered now, all i had left. Vivian may have taken my alpha and my pack but i wont let her take them from me too. The silver cord tightened as my determination slithered through the bond only a true pack could know. Lynn stirred and caution proceeded into my mind. i slowed and crouched low within the shrubs, the sound of distant voices found its way to my ears but i couldn't make anything out in my human form. 

I thought about shifting but near by footsteps made me pause. i peaked through the foliage to see a man standing a few meters away, dressed in leather and tense. watching, waiting for something. I carefully maneuvered to get a better look, but it was the large, heavy footsteps dragging along the ground that i heard first. Then i noticed to odd rhythm to the steps, they were too drawn apart, whatever it was it was big. 

Lynn began to panic and stirred within me, pushing against my barriers, urging me to get out. But my determination shot through the bond and i knew we were close to them. As the sound of footsteps became louder and the smell of rotting dead meat filled the air Lynn became frantic. She began trying to make us shift, clawing to get out. I felt my fingers slip and claws take their place on my now twisted lengthened fingers. I had never lost control like this before, let alone partial shift. Pain shot through my back as my spine began to move, twist and grow to accompany Lynn's form. I pinched my eyes shut and grasped hold of the bond between rose, Sam and I. I thought of Sam as the brother i never had, and rose the sister i always wanted. 

When i opened my eyes again i was mostly human, Apart from the claws and fine hairs beginning to protrude from my hands. but i had control. I peeked back through the leaves and saw that the mans leather clothes were splayed around the forest floor and in their place was a large dark brown wolf with manic red eyes. I paused, he didn't smell like a wolf? let alone a rogue? he smelt different, it was like he had no scent but that became his scent. like that of a void. But another smell filled my mind, the smell of rotting wolf, I sat up further on my haunches to look for the source. And there is saw it, standing on two leathery hind legs. It was the thing that plagued the nightmares of the supernatural beings. Grey thinning skin stretched over bulging muscles and heavy bones, yellow teeth protruding from a long whiskered snout and patchy tuffs of hair along its back. Pointed ears twitched on the top of its large head and glowing blue-green eyes that seemed to hold me in place. A lycan,  lynn hissed with a sense of fear and repulsion. 

Then other wolves emerged, in their various scruffy forms, all red eyed. One wolf walked forward and the all to familiar dark fur told me the wolf was max. He walked forward. A smug look on his face as the lycan crouched to low and lowered its head to submit. Max howled and the lycan responded, sending the other wolves into submission and as one they bowed their heads. I gasped as the howl struck at my heart. i almost submitted, but my alpha blood and pride would not allow it. It was like the lycan had sensed that someone had not submitted to its power. It head twitched and its ears pricked back and forth, i knew i should submit. My alpha pride wouldn't be too damaged. no one would see. But before i could change my mind a large figure was looking down at me with all to familiar eyes.


Hey guys! i hope you like this chapter. sorry for any spelling/ grammar mistakes. i haven't had time to edit yet!. But i would just like to say thank you to all of my wonderful readers for voting and taking the time to comment. I started this story a while ago and i had begun to loose my enthusiasm for the story line. but you guys have really helped me rekindle my passion for this story and i hope you enjoy the future chapters to come. Thank you again everyone and i dedicate this chapter to you all :)

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