Chapter twenty

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My eyes traced her body for the source of the unique yet familiar scent, and the eventually came to settle on her stomach. My eyes went by as realisation smacked me hard.
" you're pregnant !" I gasped, she blushed slightly and I couldn't help but smile. Despite the fact that Vivian and I rarely got along, this was huge! I jumped up and laughed. My excitement seemed to weigh hers my a mile, she looked me nervous if anything. Then I felt James come up behind me and stop, I spun and smiled. "My sisters pregnant,I'm going to be an Aunty!" I exclaimed the last part. But James face went pale and his eyes were fixed in Vivian, when I turned she was looking at him with a sense of satisfaction. Like she had finally conquered him. She stepped forward,a nasty aura seemed to linger of her and I knew she was about to do something.
She looked at me and her eyes shimmered with a small flicker of regret but it was masked by the satisfied look in her face. She walked to James and grabbed his hand, making Lynn stir wildly within me. "Get your hands away from my mate" I spat the words as my body shook. "Your mate!" She mock exclaimed " well last time I checked your mate couldn't keep his hands off me" she laughed and James looked down in shame.
"What does she mean James?" My voice quivered and I felt a lump rise in my throat..please..oh god no..
Then Vivian looked at James and whispered with humour " you didn't think I'd let the father of my child get away that easily did you ?"
Lynn quivered inside me, and I felt my mind shut down refusing to accept the truth. I ran from the scene, from James, from everything. I closed my eyes as Lynn took form and guided me to safety were I could pick up the pieces of my shattered heart and try to put them together again or at least learn how to go in without one. For roses sake...
And Sam's...

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