Chapter nine

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I opened my eyes to find a toned, hard chest next to me - James. I was lying next to him, my feet were in twined with his and my hand rested on his chest over his heart. He was still asleep, his breathing was slow and even, making me feel more relaxed being by his side. I rolled over, careful not to disturb him, and looked around. I was in a small clearing. The sun had just rose and was beginning to filter softly through the trees.

I stood and stretched before walking in the direction of the running water that hummed in the distance. Finally I found the stream and without second thought I stripped my dirty clothes off and slipped in. Letting the water cleanse my tired and sore body. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, I let my body rise so I was floating. I let the moment pass, my mind was slipping between the lines of consciousness when a presence made me jolt my eyes open. Him.

James was standing above me in the bank looking down on my body. I could feel his eyes tracing my skin until they met my own eyes where he stared intently.
"Mind if I join ?" He said mischievously, i could feel the heat rise to my cheeks but I willed it to go away.
I sat up vertically and let my wet hair fall over my breast, my body now hidden from his prying eyes.
" actually I was just getting out " I said regarding him swiftly. He smiled and held up a towel.
" well then I guess you'll be needing this then"
I looked back at him warily what was he up to ?
I moved towards the bank and reached my hand up. He took it and swiftly brought me out of the water. I stood with as much confidence as I could muster in front of him, naked. He passed me the towel slowly, his eyes alight with desire and temptation.
" there are also fresh clothes for you over there" he said pointing to the small bolder that held a pile of neatly folded clothes. He nodded and left swiftly leaving me to dress.

In the clothes the he had got me were a pair of snug black jeans the hugged my curves. And whilst the pants were amazing I grimaced at his choice of top. It was a pink t-shirt. Ugh. The one colour I can't stand- PINK. I discarded the god awful shirt and put on the singlet I had worn before and ventured back to the clearing.
He was pacing the clearing as in deep thought when I entered.
" there you are" he said " we have to go, wait your wearing that ?" He said regarding my singlet
I looked at him confused "go where "
He shook his head and looked around " where's the pink shirt I got you ?"
"I hate pink" I said, my voice void of emotion
He looked at me before grabbing a backpack that I hadn't noticed before and tossing it at my feet.
" then take one of mine" he said.
I shrugged and reached in and pulled out a red checkered flannel, before giving him a quick look I put it in and rolled up the sleeves. I left the front unbuttoned which clearly irritated James.
He gritted hiss teeth and looked at me.
"Where are we going " I asked him softly.
His jaw noticeably unclenched and he looked at me softly now
"We're going for a very long walk"
"Great" I said, mentally slapping myself in the forehead....

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