Chapter thirteen

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Hours passed, then hours became days which became weeks. I surfed in and out of consciousness as fever sized my mind- my wolf was beginning the first stages of rejecting James's wolf. Through my feverish hallucinations I would hear myself cry for James as I felt my insides being torn apart with need. Rose tentatively stayed by my side the whole time, even when I was unconscious i could still sense her, watching over me like a guardian angel. It was probably the only thing that kept me going, the quit, burning fire of love that I could feel emitting from her and piercing my feverish state.

I opened my eyes for the first time in what felt like a very long time. Light blasted my vision leaving me temporarily blind. When the haze cleared I sat up slowly, my body stiff and numb. I looked at Rose who lay slumped in a small wooded chair by my side. Her soft snores filled the otherwise empty room, the sight made me smile. She looked so peacful.

I scanned the room, a thin layer of dust had begun to settle over the place. I grimaced and swung me legs over the edge of the small cot like bed. After preparing myself for a few moments I stood slowly, using the small wooden bedside for support. I stood and took a few wobbly steps before walking proudly to the kitchen. My mouth was dry and my throat parched so I quenched it with a cool glass of water that refreshed my stiff body. I looked over to Rose who was still sound asleep, an unfamiliar sensation of warmth flooded my body at the sight of her looking so .... So vulnerable compared to her usual tough, independent attitude.

I sighed and placed my hands in the kitchen counter for support, I felt better but apart of me was still exhausted. I removed my hands from the counter and turned them over to see them covered in a light coat of dust that clung to my skin like honey. I scrunched my nose and quickly washed my hands before grabbing a dish cloth and wetting it, I wiped the counter clean and then I noticed that the cupboards in the kitchen also had their own collection of dust along with most of the other furniture. An hour later and I found that I had i fact cleaned the whole of the small cottage like house of any dust or dirt that had settled. I looked around and smiled proudly at the spotless room. I sat down at the dinning table, giving my overworked body a break.

Rose's eyes fluttered and then she jumped in her chair, startling me. Her eyes instantly found me and widened when she took in her surroundings. " what...what happened ?" She asked confused. I smiled.
" I cleaned up, this place was a mess !" She ran to me and enveloped me in a tight hug.
" I'm so glad your awake" she sobbed softly on my shoulder, I pulled her back and looked at her in confusion for a second before asking a question that had surfaced in my mind. " how long was I asleep?" My voice quivered slightly at the statement. " one month" a hint of sorrow filled her words I breathed in a few quick breaths before nodding my head " okay" I said little bit shakily, she wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me even tighter. I rubbed her back soothingly, Sam was so lucky to have her as a sister- wait Sam!
" where's Sam! " I asked alarmed. Rose pulled away and looked directly into my eyes.
"He's missing" her words were a mix of fear and deep sadness
I froze, waiting for him to jump out and say just kidding ! But he never did. I was shocked, I didn't know what to say. I searched her eyes for some kind of rational explanation but I could see she was without one. So instead of giving me an answer she recalled what had happened whilst I was unconscious.

" After you collapsed Sam was furious , he sensed James coming and rushed out to hold him off. I... wanted to go help him but i..I couldn't leave you alone, not in the state you were in. " Rose placed her hand on my arm and led me to the table where she took a seat and I did the same. She stared deeply into my eyes as she spoke " Sam... I think Sam hurt James. Nothing lethal it was just enough to scare him off..we didn't hear from James for a few weeks. Your fevers grew worse and it got to the point where you would start screaming and crying for James. Until one night you were in so much pain that Sam couldn't stand it, he left to find James and bring him back. I waited with you throughout the night and I spent the next day waiting for Sam and James but they never showed. It's been almost a week since I've seen him."

she looked down solemnly. I took a few minutes to think over what she told me and stood, pulling her up with me.
" well I'm awake and better now so let's go find them " and with that I grinned a brilliant smile full of courage and hope that infected Rose as well as she couldn't help but bean her own brilliant white smile at me.

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