Chapter seventeen

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Lynn was ecstatic, she needed to run and who better to run with than your mate. But I couldn't stop thinking about what James had said earlier when I asked him where he had been. I was ....taking care of something.Taking care of what? Doubt surfaced in my heart. Was he lying to me?! He's your mate Carlee, I'm sure there's an explanation.
I sighed, she was probably right. I could hear James.. Orion coming up behind me, he was even more beautiful than I could imagine. He was a silver colour with dark patches here and there and he had stormy grey eyes with a hint of blue in them. We ran through the forest, Rose was no where to be seen, I burst through the edge of the forest and was enveloped in a prickly vision.

I was running, chasing, hunting something... It's fear leaking from its pores.... Everything went white are I burst through the thick dark undergrowth of the forest and onto broad daylight. I looked down at the boy, covered in would never I thought. I brought my hands to my face, blood .... His blood on my hands... No I would never. Then Rose was there, weeping over his body.... No..never...then James whispered in my ear.... You'r a monster....I like monsters... No!
I snapped back to reality, I was back in the cottage. James by my side, I sat up and he embraced me. I pushed him away, yes he was my mate but Sam was in danger, I think.. I wasn't sure what the dream meant but I had to find him and know that he's okay.

"Where's Rose ?!" I said urgently
"I don't know, she wasn't here when I brought you here, I thought she might of gone somewhere else to give or something" he looked worried and slightly agitated that I brushed him off before. I walked over to him and put my hand in his shoulder, we need to find them..
I know it's short....

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