Chapter Three

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I froze at the doorway, he had his back towards me but I knew he could sense me by the way he immediatley sat up straight, scanning the room for the presence that could only be mine.

I turned to leave only to have lynn stop me

No go to mate now! She commanded through the mind link. I could feel her fighting for control within me, I knew I couldn't give her that control right now infront of the humans.

Since Lynn refused to let me leave without even knowing his name I dived into a large croud moving their way over to the other side of the room.

He was now Standing, searching the room with his eyes. I flocked another large drunk group of people heading the opposite way.

I avioded the mans gaze as I made my way to the bartender who was currently Cleaning cups with a small white dish cloth.

" exscuse me" I said politley, catching his attention.

" I'm looking for a room" I continued.

He continued to clean the cup, for a second I thought he wasn't going to help me but he put the cup down and looked up at me.

" $75 for one night accomidation not including meals or drinks" he said in an Almost impatiant tone.

I smiled and handed over the money. He counted it before reaching under the counter, pulling out a key.

" room nine" he said pointing to the staircase to our left as he passed me the small silver key.

I could feel the mans presence, he'd found me.

I muttered a Thankyou and made my way to the stairs as quick as I could.

I climbed them two at a time until I reached a long narrow hallway.

I reached my door just as he reached me.

His hand wrapped around my waist causing shockwaves of lust to course through my body.

His breath brushed against my neck as he whispered into my ear.

"Mine!" he said growled pulling me towards him.

Something within me clicked and the fog of lust dissolved leaving me with the hollow feeling of relising I may never get the chance to travel the world and furfill my hopes and dreams now that I had found my mate.

With that thought racing over and over in my mind I swung open the door and pushed away from him.

His hand caught my wrist, my gaze found his warm blue eyes and I felt my breath hitch.

Oh god his eyes were Beautiful!.

He pushed on the door trying to Come in but I blocked the door way.

he growled in warning.

In return I crossed my arms in order to restrain the urge to throw myself into his arms.

He leaned forward, a smile laced with desire tugged at his lips. Butterflys burst into life in my stomach and my heart began to race, his affect on me was almost ubearable.

He dipped his head slowly, his beautiful eyes never leaving my lips. I wanted Nothing more than to taste him but I couldn't give in.

" No!" I said in defiance before putting my hand on his chest and shoved him backward. The Alpha blood coursing through my veins made me more powerful so he was thrown back into the wall.

I slamned the door shut and locked it. Resting my forhead against it in a silent defeat. It didn't matter how much I didn't want a mate right now, I knew better. I knew that no matter what i'd need him.

Seconds passed before I heard a soft tap on the door.

"Go away!" I demanded.

"Whats your name?" He asked softly. Before I could stop myself I blurted out my response instintively.

"Carlee" I said

"My names James" he said proudly, I could Almost hear the smile that laced his lips before his presence retreated away from the door and down the stairs.

I let go of the breath I didn't know I had been holding and dragged my exhausted body to the bed.

I curled up under the covers. Lynn was still restless, she craved her mate. But she would have to wait.

And with that I drifted into unconciousness, my mind hovering over James. My mate.

Hey they're amazing reader I hope you enjoyed this chapter. More are on the way!!
So please....




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