The Host club

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It was finally after school, and just as I though Murasakibara forgot about our meet up and went to buy some chips. I sighed and went to music room 3 as Kaoru told me to. I looked around with my heterocromatic (thank u for everyone who told me the name of this) eyes at all of the posters lining the walls. My eyes finally landed on the double doors to Music room 3. I opened it and roses came flying out. I stood their and walked in aftermaking sure no more roses were flying around. I looked around and didn't see much girls since today was a Friday and they didn't have anything planned so they were having a meeting. I walked towards them with my heels clicking against the floor. "Now now, whats going on here?" I looked at their papers and it was about events and budgets. I ignored that and looked at Kaoru, "why did you call me here?"

He looked at me like I was stupid, "I'm Hikaru."

I smirked, "No your not, your Kaoru and the boy next to you is Hikaru."

I turned my head and the others were starring at me, "how can you tell?" Hikaru asked.

I pointed to Kaoru, "this one is obviously Kaoru," then I pointed at Hikaru, "and this one is obviously Hikaru. It's not that hard you know"

The other hosts looked at the twins, "Is she right?!?!?"

I looked down at the two and they slowly nodded their heads, "she got it, spot on...."

I pulled up a chair facing my back to the door and looked at what they were doing. "If you change this up, and move the consistency of your time limit with each guests to a longer period of time, you wouldn't have this problem."

Kyoya looked at me and thought about what I said, "she's right..."

I sighed, "It's very obvious, I'm surprised you couldn't think of it, Kyoya" They looked at me, more like behind me and I felt two hands cover my eyes, "Guess who (name)-cchi!!!"

Hikaru x reader x kaoru (crossover: kuroko no Basketball)Where stories live. Discover now