Christmas (Hikaru)

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Sorry!! I know that its not Christmas anymore... But I hope this holiday story can occupy you lovely readers until the next update/new years, whichever one comes first! Please Enjoy!!

-(F/N)'s pov-

I had bags of gifts in my hands today for all my classmates and the Host club. I was thinking of having Hikaru and Koaru help me, except I haven't seen either of them today, yesterday, basically this whole week. I wasn't headed to school though, it's winter break. I was walking up the walkway to Kaoru and Hikaru's house, they were having a Christmas party today. When I finally reached the doorstep, I put down some bags and rang the doorbell. Haruhi came and opened the door and helped me in by helping my carry in some bags.

"You brought a lot of stuff (F/N)..." Haruhi said looking at all my bags.

I smiled, "well... I don't want anyone to feel left out, especially on Christmas!" Haruhi just smiled and helped me place all the gifts underneath the giant Christmas tree in the living room.

"Isn't your brother going to be angry that you're not home for Christmas?" Haruhi adked me.

I thought to myself, "as long as I send them gifts, I think its fine... I had to send out so much..." I groaned recalling the amount of bags for "The Generation of Miracles" and their individual teams in different districts. I sighed, "I'm getting tired just remembering it..." I let out a huff of air. "Besides, my brother is on a Winter vacation at our Winter lodge with all his old and current teammates" I stretched my arms, happy that I no longer had bags on them.

Haruhi just nodded, "I don't get your family..."

I laughed into my hand, "I know... Neither do I...."

-time skip-

All of my classmates have arrived and I have so far seen and said 'Hi' to everyone at this party except for the two hosts of the party.

I was sitting on the couch drinking a can of coke. I sighed, "Where are they..." I got up and headed towards their room. I arrived in front of their room and saw light under the door. I knocked, "Hikaru? Karou? Are you guys in their??" I placed my hand on the doorknob and opened the door and saw gifts and the twins running around frantically. Karol noticed me first.

"(F/N)?" he called out.

I smiled, "What are you two doing?" I said. Hikaru came out and smiled.

"Oh, um... I can't tell you..." I rolled my eyes.

"I haven't seen you all week and I haven't even talked to you until today, I want an explanation Hikaru..." I said with my hand on my hips. Karou left and closed the door, muffling the chatter from the party. I glared slightly at Hikaru, "well?"

He looked down slightly and rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "Look.." he bit his lip softly. "I know I haven't seen you or talked to you until.. probably today... but.." he sighed and walked up to me and held my hand in his. "I really really want to give you something special, so I wasn't able to do anything with you..." he told me softly. He held my hand and laced our fingers together, "Just wait a little longer, and I promise it will be worth it... ok?"

I loked at him suspiciously, "Hikaru... I don't know..." I said softly.

"Please..." he whispered looking into my eyes.

I sighed and nodded, "alright... You have until midnight... okay?" He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"thank you.." He then let me go and ran off.

-time skip-

It was 10 minutes to midnight, all our classmates have gone home and only the host club members were left. I sighed and played with my (H/C) hair. I got up and walked to Kaoru, "Can you tell me what he is planning?" He smiled and shook his head.

"Sorry, it's a secret~" he said with a teasing voice. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window and saw that it started snowing. I went out the backdoor to see a sort of winter wonderland scenery.

I smiled and looked around, "wow.."

I felt arms wrap around my waist, "so... do you like snow days?"

I giggled, "how did... the forecast said their would be no snow this year..." I turned to him.

He smiled and kissed my forehead. "I remember how you said when you were younger you would always play with your brother and his teammates in the snow..." I smiled.

I looked around and smiled, "thank you... so much..."

He kissed me softly and then a snowball hit him in the back of his head, "DON'T KISS MY LITTLE GIRL, YOU LITTLE DEVIL!" I heard Tamaki yell at Hikaru.

Hikaru made his own snowball and there it at Tamaki and yelled, "I CAN KISS MY GIRLFRIEND IF I WANT YOU IDIOT KING!!" I giggled and hugged Hikaru as he and tamale glared at each other then we all had a snowball fight.

~Merry (late) christmas~


hope this is good, please vote and comment your ideas/opinions!

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