Part one - Where it all begins

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You're getting ready in your bedroom to go to the fair with Steve and Bucky. Your room is quite simple, with a single bed in the corner, a brown wooden wardrobe against the wall and a dressing table beside it. You have floral wallpaper and some dark curtains over your bedroom window.

You walk over to your wardrobe and pull out a red polka dot dress, holding it up against yourself to see it in the mirror. You decide it is the right dress so you put it on and look in the mirror again.

At that moment, there's a knock at the door.

"Come in!" The door swings open to reveal Bucky. He looks at you, but you can't tell what he is thinking.

"I see you're ready for the fair, doll" That has been his nickname for you ever since you were 11 when he said that your doll looked exactly like you. You didn't speak to him for over a week after that day, you were offended because you thought he was saying you looked like a pretend doll.

In spite of that, you still get butterflies whenever he calls you doll. You see, you have had a secret crush on him for about 3 years now, but you know he doesn't like you back. He sees you as a sister, so you've never told anyone.

"Earth to Ellesse, hello??"

"Huh? what?" You snap back to reality as you see him waving his hand in front of you.

"I said are you ready to go? Steve is waiting downstairs for us" He points to the stairs.

"Oh right, sorry, I was in my own little world for a moment" You weren't lying, you were in a world of your own.... thinking of him, of course, but he didn't have to know that.

"Of course, you were doll. You're always daydreaming. Come on, before Steve becomes impatient. You know what he's like when he's left waiting too long." Bucky throws his arm around your shoulder, gently pulling you out of your room.

"Finally! Why does it take girls so long to get ready!?" You hear Steve complain at the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh shush. If I didn't take so long, you would be worried there was something wrong with me." You smirk as you see your brother get more irritated with your response. "Besides, if I hadn't taken so long, we would be stuck in the queues. They will have gone down now, so you should be thanking me"

You can hear Bucky snickering beside you, while Steve just stands in front of you, sending you a glare. Bucky breaks the silence "Come on, otherwise, we're going to miss the whole thing" before ushering us out the door.

**An hour later**

You are now at the fair, having a go at the stall games, while Bucky and Steve are off somewhere, talking to girls. You expected this so you just grabbed Steve's wallet before he could leave you on your own. Might as well play some games to pass the time. Sometimes you wonder why they even bring you along when they end up leaving you alone to talk to girls anyway but you know that they don't want to make you feel left out.

You walk around looking at the stalls and find one that is less busy. It's a hoop game where you have to throw the hoop onto one of the bottles. You decided to have a go so you pay the stall attendant and prepare for your first go. You throw the first hoop, completely missing the bottles, landing on the floor. You sigh, picking up the second hoop and trying again. Only, this time, the stall attendant has to move out the way as the hoop went flying towards him.

"I am so sorry!" You say. You have one more hoop but you leave it on the table in front of you, about the walk away so you cant injure anyone. But then you hear a chuckle from the side. You turn and see a man next to you, chuckling at you. "Is something funny?"

"No, no, not at all. I just thought that you might need some help" He stops chuckling and gestures to your last hoop.

"And, what would you know about this game?" You ask, knowing that he probably only said it, thinking you were just a woman, in need of a man.

"I know that it is all in the wrist" You raise your eyebrow at him so he goes on the explain "You see, it is just the flick of your wrist. You have to throw it, using your wrist. Not your arm" He proceeds to pay the attendant and throws all three hoops onto the bottles, aiming perfectly. You just stand there, not knowing what to say. "May I help you with your last hoop?"

"Umm, sure. Why not?" You accept his offer and he turns you sideways. "How is this going to help me?"

"Standing sideways will help you focus on using the flick of your wrist, rather than your whole arm. Look..." He places the hoop in your hand and holds your arm with his. He flicks your wrist and you throw the hoop, landing it straight onto one of the bottles. "See?"

You stand there, shocked that it worked. "Okay, I admit, that was impressive. Where'd you learn that?"

"Lots of practice. Maybe I could help you on some of the other stalls?" You smile at him and go to reply, but you hear someone clear their throat behind you. You know exactly who it is.

You turn around, rolling your eyes, to see Bucky looking serious "Hey Buck, enjoying yourself?"

"Hey Doll" His face softens as he looks at you, but goes serious when he turns to the man next to you. "Who's this?"

"This is... wait, I didn't catch your name" You turn to the man, realising you didn't catch his name.

"Baron. My name is Baron" He says, smiling at you.

"Pfft, what kind of name is that?"

You look at Bucky, shocked "Bucky! don't be so rude! He just helped me on this game because I'm terrible at it"

"I should probably go. I'll see you around" Baron leaves, walking away from you and Bucky.

"Oh, ok. bye ...." You turn to Bucky "What the hell was that!?"

"What do you mean? I simply asked who he was" Bucky replied, shrugging his shoulders. He went to walk away but you grab his arm.

"Don't walk away from me! Why were you so rude to him!? he was only helping me" You argue, annoyed that he had scared him away. Every time someone talks to you, Bucky turns up, asking questions and being rude to them. It's like you're not allowed to speak to anyone unless Bucky or Steve approve of them.

"I simply asked a question. It's not my fault he has a weird name. " You stand there, speechless, You can't believe Bucky would be so rude to someone.

"I'm going home." You turn around, walking the other way.

"Oh, come on, doll. Don't be like that!" He shouts after you but you keep walking. You walk until you arrive home, going straight upstairs to your room.

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