Part two- The signup centre

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A few days pass by and you still haven't spoken to Bucky. Steve keeps asking you to go out with them but you would rather sit in your room, reading. You sit on your window ledge, reading for a while before there's a knock on the door. 

"No, I don't want to come with you to meet Bucky, Steve!" You shout but there's no answer "Now go away, I'm reading!"

The door opens, revealing that it wasn't Steve who knocked "Ouch, doll. It hurts that you don't want to see me" You see Bucky, smirking in the doorway.

"What do you want?" Although you're still mad, you can't help but smile inside, you had missed seeing him over these few days. 

"I came to see you. You haven't spoken to me since the fair" He tilts his head, leaning against the door frame. 

"I wonder why. Can I get back to my reading now?" You pick your book up, sit on your bed and start reading again. Bucky walks into your room and sits on the edge of the bed. "Oh do come in, not like I'm busy, ignoring you." You roll your eyes as he sits down. 

"Oh come on, doll, you can't stay mad forever..." You don't answer so he sighs " I had a feeling you would ignore me so... I bought your favourite sweets"  You look up at him, trying to figure out if he really does. He pulls them out of his pocket. "If I give you these, do you forgive me?"

You look at him, debating it. Your favourite sweets are only sold in one shop, and it's on the other side of town so he must have made the long trip to go and get them... "Fine. Give me!!" 

He chuckles, passing you the bag. "I knew you couldn't stay mad at me forever. Now, come on, we need to talk to Steve since he keeps saying he's going to try and apply for the army again. " 

You huff "He does this every year! He knows that he isn't supposed to apply more than once right? If he gets caught, he could get into so much trouble!" You get up off your bed and place your sweets on your dressing table. 

"Don't worry, doll, we will figure out a way to stop him" He gives you a reassuring smile, before getting up "Now, come on. Let's go stop him before he gets himself into more trouble" 

A while later, you find Steve outside the signup centre, standing in front of it, staring at the large sign. You stop before he sees you. You can see that he is desperate to join the army, but he keeps getting denied. what will change? But he will never give up, and you know that. 

"Doll? are you coming?" Bucky stands in front of you after he realised you stopped. He gives you a reassuring smile and then you follow him, without saying anything. 

Steve finally sees you and sighs. "You here to stop me? It's not going to work. I'm going to keep trying until they let me join" 

"What about your sister? Who's going to look after her when you're gone? Who's going to stop boys from talking to her?" You send a deadly look towards Bucky  "Who's going to protect her? and who's wallet is she going to take when she wants to go to the fair?" 

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