Part 14- Saying Goodbye

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As soon as you leave your room after getting ready, you get pushed out the door in a rush. As much as you don't want them to go, you don't want to get them into trouble for being late either so you speed up your walking to keep them happy. 

"Have you both packed everything? clothes? Snacks? drinks bottles? I feel like you might have forgotten something, let's go back to check!" You go to turn around but Steve pushes you back. 

"We haven't forgotten anything. Now, come on" Steve argues before Bucky pulls you into his side, throwing his arm around your shoulder so you can't turn back. 

"Don't worry, doll, we will be back before you know it" Bucky tries to reassure you.

"Yeah in 3 months." You roll your eyes, trying to make the mood lighter. "At least I have dates with Jackie to keep me company. Or should I say Jack" You smirk, knowing that it'll annoy them but mostly Bucky. 

"Yeah well, maybe next time explain that it's not actually a date" Bucky replies, gently squeezing your shoulder. 

You arrive at the centre, where they will say goodbye before leaving to complete their training.

"So... you guys are really doing this?" You question, sadly.

"We're really doing this. We will be back before you know it." Steve pulls you in for a hug. You wrap your arms around him, not wanting to let him go "I'm going to go sign us in, I'll be back to say goodbye" Steve pulls away from you before walking towards the sign-in point.

As you look at Bucky sadly, he pulls you in for a hug. "Don't look at me like that, doll." He hugs you tight as you Bury your head into his chest. "We will be okay, I promise"

"I know you will be... but who am I going to talk to every day? I mean, Jackie can only take so much of me" You joke and hear him chuckle.

"She's as mad as you... I think you need to be more worried about everyone else in town" He smiles down at you.

You look up at him, staring for a few seconds "I'll miss you"

"I'll miss you too. Just think, 90 days"

"I'll be counting every day" He looks down at you as if about to say something but he leans down, planting a kiss on your lips instead.

As he pulls away, he stares at you, brushing a piece of hair out of your face "you'll be okay, we will write to each other all the time" You bury your head into his chest again and he hugs you tight.

Before you can say anything in return, Steve walks back over. "I signed us in, we've got to go wait with the others." You pull away from Bucky, turning to Steve.

"I'm going to miss you so much" You hug him tight as he hugs you back.

"I'll miss you too. But you'll be okay, I wouldn't leave if I didn't think that."

"Good to know you have some confidence in me" You hear him chuckle.

"DON'T burn the house down while we're gone." He says sternly. "And no boys. I'll know if you have any round."

You laugh at his comment "don't worry, I won't be having any boys around. All I'll be doing is hopefully working and then coming home"

"Don't work too hard. If I hear that you've worked more than a few shifts a week, I'll be kicking your ass"

You pull away from the hug, laughing. "I'll just make sure you don't find out" You smirk at him as he pulls a face.

As he goes to argue back, Bucky cuts in "Okay, come on. If you two start arguing, we will be here for the next week"

Steve sighs "Fine, alright. We better go. Ellesse, I love you. I will write to you all the time" He kisses your forehead and gives you a quick hug.

"I love you too. Be careful."

Steve slowly starts walking away but waits for Bucky. Bucky starts walking toward Steve with his back to him(walking backwards) "Don't do anything stupid until we get back."

You give him a small smile "how can I? You're taking all of the stupid with you"

"Be safe, Doll" He smiles at you before turning around and walking away with Steve.

You watch them walk away, into the building, knowing that it's the last time you will see them for 3 months. Once they are out of sight, you turn, walking back towards your house but stop when you hear someone shout your name.

"Ellesse!" You turn around to see Peggy walking toward you.

"Peggy, hi" You smile at her as she stops in front of you.

"I was hoping to catch you here."

"Really? How come?" You question her, a bit confused.

"Well I know how much you love Steve and Bucky and how much you're going to miss them... and I have every other weekend off so I thought you might want to meet up. I can give you an update on them both and tell you how they're doing" she explains.

"Really? You would do that?" You ask, shocked. You must have really had a good first impression.

"Yeah, of course. You showed how much you loved your brother at the testing and I have to admit, you left an impression on me." You laugh

"I would love that, it would be really nice." You smile at her, thankful.

"Great. I'll ring you with the details. And I promise they will be fine"

"I know they will be. Thank you, Peggy" you smile as she says bye and walks away in the same direction as the boys.

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