Part 12- The final night

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You, Bucky and Steve spent the day running around the town, going to the fair and laughing down at the pier. You had that much fun, you almost forgot that they were leaving and that it was their last night. 

It had turned 7 o'clock and you had just gotten into your new dress. You sit at your dressing table, brushing your hair and topping up your makeup. You didn't have a lot so you always kept it in your drawer, saving it for a special occasion. This was a special occasion. Once you've topped it up, you stand up, walking up to the tall mirror. As you look into the mirror, you see Bucky in the reflection, leaning against the door while looking you up and down.

You smirk at his reflection" Take a picture, it might last longer"

He suddenly looks up, as if realising he was staring. "Trust me, doll. If I had a camera, I would" 

You blush at his comment, looking down in hopes that he doesn't notice. You hear him walk closer and look up at the mirror. He stops right behind you and your heart stops when you can feel his breath on your neck. 

You try to take your mind off it, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear "How do I look?" 

"Beautiful" He looks down before pulling something out of his pocket "But I have something that will make you look even more beautiful" 

You look at him confused "What? But I thought you helped pay for this dress?" 

"I did. But I wanted to get you this too. Close your eyes" you give him a look. You can't believe he had bought something else after helping buy such an expensive dress. "Just close your eyes please, doll" 

You finally give in and close them. You can hear him opening and closing a box before you feel him move your hair and place something around your neck. You flinch at his cold hands and hear him chuckle. 

"Sorry doll, guess my hands are still a bit cold" A few seconds later, he moves your hair to your back. "Okay... open them" 

You open your eyes, looking at your neck in the mirror. You gasp "Buck..."It was the necklace from the store window... You reach up, feeling the necklace in your hand. You turn round to face him and look up slightly due to the height difference. "H-how did you know?" You hadn't told anyone about the necklace, except for Jackie. 

"Well, I saw you looking at something in that window but couldn't tell what

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"Well, I saw you looking at something in that window but couldn't tell what. So when we met Jackie, I asked her what you were looking at before we left. She put it on hold for me and I went to get it as soon as I could" 

"But..." You go to say something but he cuts you off. 

"Doll, it doesn't matter about the price." He smirks as you have a confused look on your face.

"How did you know what I was going to say?"

"Because you always say about the price of things" He laughs as you pull a face "All I need to know is did we get the right necklace and do you like it?" 

"I love it, Buck. Thank you" You smile and lean up, placing a kiss on his lips. 

"If that's all it takes to get a kiss, I'll keep buying you things" You laugh, playfully nudging him. "Now come on, doll.  We need to get to this party" 

He grabs your hand, gently pulling you out of the room to meet Steve downstairs. "And I don't always say about the price of things" You give him an offended look, making him laugh. 

You get downstairs and see Steve with his back to you. He hears you and turns to look at you. "Wow, you look great. The dress suits you" 

You give him a hug "Well, what can I say? You both have very good taste in presents" 

Steve and Bucky laugh at you. You are going to miss this so much, hearing them laugh every day. 


An hour later, you've arrived at the party, and are now walking around saying hello to everyone. There's music in the background and everyone seems to be having fun. 

You look around and finally spot Jackie in a beautiful polka dot dress. "Look, there's Jackie" You don't give the boys time to reply, before running over to her. "Hey! You look amazing!"

Jackie hears you and turns to you, giving you a hug. "Hey, birthday girl! I love your dress! " 

"How'd you know it was my birthday?" 

"Bucky told me yesterday. Why didn't you tell me yourself?" Jackie asks but before you can reply, you feel the presence of the boys behind you. 

"That would be because she forgot her own birthday," Bucky says, answering for you. 

You see Jackie look at Bucky "Of course she did" She then looked at Steve "Hi, I'm Jackie, You must be the famous brother, Steve" 

"Nice to meet you, Jackie" Steve smiles at her, before looking around. Who is he looking for? 

"Well, sorry boys, but I'm stealing Ellesse. We've got some catching up to do and more importantly, some dancing to do. Come on!" She grabs your hand, dragging you with her. You barely get a chance to wave to the boys before they are out of sight. 

Jackie pulls you towards where everyone is dancing but walks straight past it, confusing you. She leads you over to the side, where nobody is and turns to you "So? Do you like it? Is it the right one?" 

You look at her, confused, until you realise that she's talking about the necklace. You smile "Yes, it was the right one and I love it." 

"Oh thank god! I was worried I had put the wrong one on hold!" She breathes a sigh of release before smiling at you "So, anyway... What's going on between you two?" 

You smirk before saying "I have no idea what you're on about" and walking towards the dance floor. She stares, wide-eyed at you "Something has totally happened! You are such a liar!"

"Come on, I wanna dance!" She laughs, as you just walk away, towards the dance floor. 

"I guess you don't want to hear about how I've got you a potential interview at work then" You stop dead in your tracks, turning to look at her.

"You did not!" You say shocked, unsure if she's speaking the truth but she just nods her head, confirming it. "You... You are my favourite person ever! All your drinks tonight are on me!" She gives you an odd look "Okay, all your drinks are on Steve and Bucky"

She laughs at you before dragging you towards the dance floor "Come on you goofball, We have a lot of dancing to do" 

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