Part 11- Forgotten

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The next morning, you wake up with mixed feelings. Today was the last day before Steve and Bucky go off to the army. 

But then you think about last night. Bucky likes you... Not just in a friendly way either... He kissed you. He kissed you, before walking you home to make sure you were safe. 

When you got back, you found Steve passed out on the sofa so you had placed a blanket over him so he wouldn't get cold. He must have been exhausted from all the tests they had done on him.

You snap out of your thoughts, jumping up and getting ready for the day ahead, knowing it would be an unusual day. You put on a simple skirt and jumper before walking downstairs. When you get down there, you find Steve in the kitchen making breakfast. 

"Hey! there she is! breakfast is on the side. Eat up, we have a big day" He smiles at you, gesturing to a plate full of food on the side. 

"Thanks... why do we have a big day?" Have you forgotten something?

He looks at you, confused, before laughing it off "I'll be back in a minute" Before running out the door. 

That was strange... You grab your plate and sit at the table to start eating before you hear a voice behind you.

"Goodmorning!" You could recognise that voice anywhere, and turn around with a smile on your face. You see Bucky. "Ready for a big day, doll?" 

"Why does everyone keep saying that? What's so special about toda-" At that moment, Steve walks in with a rather big box and balloons...

It finally comes to you... It's the 4th of March... Your birthday. With everything going on, with Steve and Bucky going off to war, Steve getting the serum, looking for a job, etc. You had completely forgotten about your birthday.

"Please tell me you didn't forget, doll? How can you forget your birthday? It's the most important day of the year" Bucky and Steve look at you, worried, as if you had lost your mind, your memory going with it. 

"It's just with everything going on, I hadn't even realised..." 

"Well, then it's a good thing we've planned it all! We're all spending the day together, before the party of the year, in honour of the world exposition of tomorrow" Of course, the party that Howard Stark is throwing to show off his new inventions. He does it every year and never fails to include one that falls apart in front of everyone. 

"Do we have to go? It's always the same, every year." 

"Oh come on, doll, there will be fair games, music, dancing, it'll be fun" He looks at you with a knowing look. 

You smile, giving in. Besides, it's the last day, you might as well have some fun. You pick up your fork, going to have a bite of your food but get interrupted, again, when Steve takes your plate and cutlery off of you, replacing it with his gift to you "Hey! I was eating that!" 

"You can eat after, I want you to open your gift first. " He smirks as you frown, but proceed to open the box anyway. After all, you can't turn down gifts, it would be rude... 

You remove the lid from the box, revealing some blue fabric. You pull it out of the box, looking closer, before gasping. It's the dress that you saw 2 years ago, in a shop window. When you first saw it, it was way out of your price range... It was only a simple, blue dress, yet very expensive, and out of our price range.

"Steve... I can't accept this, it's... It's way out of our price range! How can we afford this?" You stare, wide-eyed, still in awe at the dress. 

"Buck helped, we knew you wanted it and we wanted to get you something special before we left. Don't worry about the money side of it, we just thought you could wear it tonight, for the party" You sit there, speechless, before jumping up and hugging them both. 

"Thank you. I don't know how I will ever repay you both for this" 

"As long as your happy, doll, that's all we care about" You smile at him. You are most definitely happy, You couldn't be happier, even if you tried.

You turn back to the dress, smiling, excited to try it on.

"Now, what's this about you applying for a job?" Your eyes widen and your smile drops, your expression changing to horror... you were hoping Steve wouldn't find out, yet here he is, asking you about it. How did he find out?... Bucky. You send a glare towards Bucky, who stands there smirking, before turning to your brother and giving him a guilty grin. 

You were in trouble... 

"err how do you know about that?" You know the answer will most likely be Bucky, but you want to hear it.

"Bucky told me. Now stop avoiding the question" He looks at you sternly and you sit there, trying to think of an answer.

"Fine. I was applying for jobs so that you didn't have to pay all the bills and stress over it. That way, I can help pay the bills and have my own money. And before you say anything, you can't stop me from applying to jobs, you're not going to be here to stop me" You ramble on and on until you run out of things to say.

"Okay" Steve carries on as normal, not saying anything else. Is he ok? Where's the argument? You and Bucky exchange a look, both of you confused about Steve's attitude. 

"That's it? No arguing? No lecture about keeping secrets?" 

"No, if that's what you want to do, then you should" Now he's freaking you out.

"Even if I wanted to... date someone?" You share a quick look with Bucky before looking back at Steve, curious about what he will say. 

"Sure" What did he just say? "As long as it's none of my friends and I meet them first" There's the catch. 

"What if it's one of my friends?" 

" The only friend you have is Jackie and she's... unique"  He walks round to the other side of the table and starts eating. 

"Hold on, who am I then?" Bucky looks offended as he asks Steve. You stifle a laugh and Bucky gives you a playful glare.

"You know what I mean"

You laugh, shaking your head "Anyway, what is the plan today then, before the party tonight?" 

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