Part 8- The serum

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It's the morning after your talk with Bucky... The day Steve takes the serum. You're in your room, preparing yourself for it. Since your talk with Bucky, and after what... happened, you have avoided him. You wanted to talk to him, but you weren't sure of what he would say. 

You head downstairs to see Steve pacing around the kitchen. "Hey... you ready for this?" Steve stays silent, still pacing. "You know, it's not too late to change your mind if that's what you are stressing over?" 

"No, I haven't changed my mind" He stands still, looking at you. "I'm just... scared" 

"Oh, Steve..." You walk towards him and hug him. "You have nothing to be worried about. I will be right across the room, waiting for you after" 

"Thank you." You hear the front door open "That'll be Buck, come on, let's go" He lets go of you but keeps his arm around your shoulder. 

"Wait, Buck's coming?" Before he can reply, Bucky enters the kitchen.

"Hey, guys. Are we ready to go?" He smiles at you, trying to keep eye contact.

"Yeah, let's go" Steve pulls you past Bucky, into the hallway to grab your coats.

You grab your coat, pulling it on. As you wrap your scarf around your neck, the phone rings. Steve walks to the table in the corner of the hallway and answers the phone. 

"Hello... Yes... who is this?..." He turns to you "they say they know you? their name is jack?" 

It takes you a moment to think before you remember... Jackie. You smile and walk over to the phone. "This will only take a second, Steve, then we can go" You take the phone from him, putting it to your ear. "Hey! How are you?" 

"Hi! I was just wondering if you wanted to meet for that coffee later? I have work but I finish at 4" You hear Jackie say, so enthusiastically down the phone. 

"Coffee sounds great! I'm just about to head out  but how does 5 o'clock sound?" You're glad she has rung, it'll give you a chance to make some new friends.

"That's perfect! I'll meet you down by the pier later then!" 

"Okay, I'll see you then. Bye!" You put the phone back before turning to the boys. They look at you, strangely, before Bucky walks past you, grumpily. "What's up with him?" 

"I have no idea... Come on, I don't want to be late."

You all leave and head to the building that Dr Erskine told us to go to. It is in the high end of town, near the jewellery shop. You walk into what looks like an antique shop, with an older lady at the desk. 

"Can I help you?" She says, with a big smile on her face. You can tell she's friendly. 

"Err we're looking for Dr Erskine?" You can tell Steve is worried that we've got the wrong place by the way he asks for Dr Erskine. Before the lady can reply, a woman appears from behind a curtain.

"They are with me" This woman looks young, around your age, with dark brown hair, just below her shoulders. She seems quite important from the way she is dressed, with a brown jacket to match her brown skirt. She has 2 badges on the collar of her jacket. "I'm Peggy Carter, You must be Steve Rogers" 

She offers her hand out for Steve to shake but he stands there staring at her. You realise why he's staring at her and stiff a giggle, before elbowing him in his side. "OW- um Yes, I'm Steve. Nice to meet you, This is my sister, Ellesse, and my best friend, Bucky. He is also joining the army." 

The woman smiles at you as if trying not to laugh, for elbowing your brother before she speaks "Well it is nice to meet you all, now if you follow me, we are about to be late." She gestures towards the curtain she appeared from and you all start to follow her.

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