Part 9- The new Steve

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The machine lifts Steve into a standing position and starts making a humming noise... "Is it normal to make that noise?" You lean towards Peggy as you ask it.

"Err I don't know, this is the first trial, remember?" 

Of course, it was. Dr Erskine gives a thumbs up towards a scientist at the other end of the room, signalling to start. The scientist pushes some buttons and the machine gets louder. Smoke starts appearing at the bottom of the machine... 

"Ok, Steve, we're going to start with some of the serum now" Dr Erskine shouts over the noise of the machine. He walks over to a machine, attached to a lever that has some numbers next to it. From what you can tell, it's a scale from 1 to 100. He pulls it down to the first marker, which you presume is 10.

The machine gets louder and louder and you can see the serum pumping through the tubes into the machine. It goes silent... 

The scientist that turned the machine on starts talking, you can't hear him but you can read his lips to an extent. It looks like he's asking Dr Erskine if Steve is okay...

You turn to Peggy "What's going on?" The silence is deadly, But Peggy looks unsure.

"I don't know... I'm going to go find out." She walks towards the door to the stairs, leading down to the large room before something stops her. 

Your head snaps back to the window as everyone hears a scream of pain from the machine. "Steve!" You scream his name, before running past Peggy, through the door leading down to him. 

"Ellesse! Wait!" You hear Peggy and Bucky shout, but you ignore them. 

"Get him out of that machine before I get him out of there mys-" You start shouting but get interrupted as someone grabs you before you get to the machine. It's one of the soldiers. "Get your hands off of me!"

"Miss, you can not interrupt the experiment. If you don't calm down, we will have to escort you off of the premises." You try and get out of their grip but struggle. This pisses you off. 

"Oh, no... Big mistake, buddy" You hear Bucky coming up behind you and he seemed pissed. "Get your hands off of he-" 

He doesn't get to finish his sentence because you dig the heel of your shoe into the soldier's foot, turning around before punching him. You know you will regret it but your priority is Steve. You turn back, running to the scientist that controls the machine. "Turn the god damn machine off!" The soldiers catch up to you, restraining you. 

He looks towards Dr Erskine, who nods "Turn it off" He goes to press some buttons but you hear something.

"Wait!" You look towards the machine, recognising that voice anywhere. It was Steve. " I'm fine! Keep going" 

Dr Erskine looks at you before turning towards the scientist next to you. "Howard, keep going." 

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