Part 10- The coffee date ;)

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30 minutes later, You and Bucky are walking down to the pier to meet Jackie. Steve had to stay behind so that they could run tests but he said he would catch up.

"You know, I didn't realise you could throw a punch as you did back there. You shocked me, doll" Bucky hasn't shut up about the punch since we left the place.

"Yeah well like I always say I don't need a man to protect me, I can take care of myself"

He goes silent for a minute but then turns to you "Is that why you're going on this date? To prove you don't need me"

"What? Is that what you really think?" He looks away from you as you get to the pier "Just come with me, and everything will become clear. I can't wait to go inside." Bucky looks annoyed but you are looking forward to seeing his face when he realises who Jack is. "Come on!" You grab his hand, pulling him towards Jackie after you spot her.

"Won't your date be jealous seeing you hold my hand?" You just laugh and keep on walking while you drag him along.

"Jack!" You shout when you see her and she looks over.

"Ellesse! Hey!" She sees Bucky and smiles "oh, hi, my name is Jackie but everyone calls me Jack"

You look back at Bucky, holding back your laughter as you see his face goes from confusion to realisation. "...Hi, I'm Bucky"

"I'll go get us some drinks! I'll be back" Jackie says before running off.

As soon as she's gone, you burst out laughing. Bucky just stands there, looking as if he feels dumb. "So that's Jack, huh? Why didn't you tell me Jack was a she?"

You smirk "Well, since you thought I would agree to a date with someone else after what you told me, I thought it would be funny to see your reaction. You were so jealous"

He just stares at you, You can't figure out what he is thinking "I wasn't jealous"

"Oh, you so were!" You laugh at him being in denial.

"Well, what was I supposed to think after what happened?" Right... The night Bucky had told you he likes you, It felt unreal, like a dream... And you ran. You were so afraid, you didn't know what to do.

"I am sorry that I ran... I was afraid, It all seemed so... unreal." You look away as you tell him the truth.

"Why wouldn't it be real? Is it so hard to believe that I like you?" He looks confused.

"Yes. It is hard to believe it because I have wanted to believe that you liked me since the moment I met you. And now that it is real, I don't know how to act. That's why I ran" You can't believe you told him that.

"Doll, have you really felt like that-" At that moment, Jackie comes back with drinks. Why does everyone interrupt at the wrong time?

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