Part 15- The jewellery shop

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The following day, you wake up early to go and make breakfast. You reach into the cupboard, pull a plate out and place it on the side, before turning around to grab the bread. As you turn back, you stop as you realise you had placed 3 plates on the table out of habit. 

You sigh. This is going to be a long 3 months. You put the plates back into the cupboard before checking the time. You promised Jackie that you would go to see her at work today and it was nearly time to do so. 

You grab your coat and shoes from the cupboard and your keys from the table before walking out the door. 15 minutes later, you arrive at the shop, hearing the bell go as you open the door. The shop is busier than you expected, with at least 15 people in here.

Jackie looks over at the door, spotting you "Ellesse! Hey, come on over here"

You walk over, walking around the crowds of people to get there "Wow, it's really busy..." 

Jackie talks while gift-wrapping a customer order "Yeah, it's always busy this time of the day" 

"Do you want me to come back another time?"

"No, definitely not. Just give me one second" She walks away, giving the gift-wrapped item to a customer before walking towards the back of the store. What was she doing?

Two minutes later, she walks back out with a woman. She is dressed in very formal wear, making you think she is the boss. They walk over to you, with smiles on their faces. 

"Hi, you must be Ellesse, I am Mrs Sharp, the shop owner. I've heard a lot about you" She smiles, offering you her hand to shake. 

You shake her hand, smiling "Yes, that's me. It's nice to meet you" You glance at Jackie, confused with why she bought the boss to see you. 

"Jackie has been telling me how you've been looking for a job. Is that true?" 

"Umm yes, that's right" You look even more confused. Jackies sees this and smiles reassuringly. 

"Well, I want to give you a chance"

"Wait, really? You're hiring me?" You ask excitingly, a smile forming.

"Not quite... see it as an audition. You have until the end of today to show me that you have the skills to work here. Show me that you can help this shop. Are you up for it?" She stares at you, waiting for you to answer.

"Absolutely. I won't let you down" You grin, excited that you may have found a job. 

"Great. Jackie will show you the basics, then it's all you. Goodluck" She smiles at you, turning towards Jackie "She's all yours" 

Mrs Sharp walks back through to the back and you turn to Jackie, who has a huge smile on her face. 

"Is that... is that why you wanted me to come in?" You question her.


"Have I told you that you are an amazing friend?" You grin at her before hugging her. 

"Yeah yeah, you can tell me that over a drink later. Come on, I need to show you how to work everything." She pulls away from the hug, dragging you behind the counter. "Okay so, just watch what I do" 

She sees a customer waiting and walks over to them, offering her help. They pass her a beautiful necklace that they want to buy and she brings it over to the counter next to you to gift wrap. 

"You always gift wrap unless the customer says otherwise. Every item is wrapped separately and if the customer tells you to rewrap it, you do it. The customer is always right. We have to be fast but efficient" while saying this, she places the necklace into a small black box before wrapping it up in paper. She does this quickly, yet the wrapping still looks perfect. 

"Got it..." You watch her closely as she finishes the wrapping. She looks at you, seeing the confusion on your face.

"Don't worry, you will be able to wrap like this soon enough. Practice makes perfect" She smiles before walking back to the customer.

She gives them the box and proceeds to go through the payment process. You watch closely so that you know what to do. Once she finishes with the customer, she turns to you. 

"And that's about it. Do you think you can do it yourself or do you want to watch me again?" She smiles supportively. 

"I think I've got it. I'm a quick learner" You smile before walking over to a customer "Hi, can I help you with anything?" 


Hours later, Jackie waves goodbye to the last customer of the day, locking the door behind them. 

"I don't think we've ever been that busy" Jackie sighs, walking back to the counter "But I have to admit, you did amazing" 

Before you can respond, Mrs Sharp walks in. "I can second that. I've been watching throughout the day and you were great."  

"Really? I thought I was going to be terrible considering I have no experience" You smile, breathing a sigh of relief. 

"You did great. I have to admit, I was a bit sceptical at first when I heard you didn't have any experience, but you proved me wrong." Mrs Sharp confirms with a smile. "And if you're still wanting a job, We would love for you to join us here" 

"Wait really!? I'm hired!?" You say, excited. 

"5 days a week if your up for it" Before Mrs Sharp can say anything, you jump forward, wrapping your arms around her. 

"Thank you. I would love to work here" 

"Okay then. Be here tomorrow with Jackie, 7 am. Don't be late." She walks back towards her office "Oh and you're on the same shifts as Jackie so if anything happens, it's on you pair" She smiles, walking away. 

Jackie turns to you, with a big smile on her face "Now that we know you definitely have a job, I think we deserve a drink" 

"You deserve more than a drink! I'm buying all the rounds" You laugh, grabbing your things and walking out with Jackie. 

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