Part three- research and investigating

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The next morning, you wake up at the crack of dawn so that you can go to the library without the boys wanting to come with you. If Steve found out about this scientist, he would say yes without thinking about it. You need to research it before he finds out about it. 

You leave the house without waking anyone and head straight to the library. Once there, you sign in and find a librarian "Excuse me, where can I find information on current scientists?" 

"Isle 13, towards the back" She smiles and points in the direction of isle 13. 

You thank her before walking off towards aisle 13. When you get there, you start searching the shelves. Scientists in the 1910s.... 1920s... 1930s... 1940's! You grab the book and go to sit at the table in the far corner, sitting away from others. 

You sit, reading the pages about the scientist, Abraham Erskine. It feels like hours pass as you read more and more. He is a great scientist... Born and raised in Germany... As you go to read more, You shriek as you suddenly feel a hand on your shoulder.

"Calm down, Doll, it's just me" You turn to see Bucky and let out a breath of relief. 

"Don't scare me like that!" You huff, turning around, back to your book.

"Sorry, doll. You weren't at the house so I figured you would be here. Why didn't you wait for one of us?" Bucky sits in the chair next to you and stares at you, waiting for an answer.

"Because I wanted to be alone. I needed to do some research on something." You close the book before Bucky can see anything and push it to the side. 

Bucky looks at you suspiciously. "What research?" You go to get up to put the book back but he pulls you back "Doll, what are you hiding?" 

"Nothing. I just want to put my book back" You try to get up again but he pulls you back. This time you land closer to him. 

"Tell me or I tell Steve your hiding something" You sigh, realising that you would have to tell him. 

"Fine... I was researching a scientist. His name is Abraham Erskine, he went on about this serum-" You go to carry on but he interrupts you. 

"Dr Erskine? the scientist that also works at the signup centre?" You look at him, shocked that he knows who you're on about. 

"You know him? What do you know about him?" You question him, knowing that he probably knows more than what the book tells.

"Yeah, he's the one that has to assess you before accepting you into the army. Wait, why do you want to know about him? Have you spoken to him?" Bucky seems frantic, panicked. 

"He spoke to me yesterday, he was going on about this serum that makes people into someone that was built for the army." You sigh "I... wanted to research it before Steve found out, I knew he would say yes without question"

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