Part 13- The wakeup call

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You spend most of the night dancing and laughing with Jackie until she has to leave due to an early shift at work. You walk around, searching for your brother and bucky and soon spot them. 

You laugh as you see them standing with some girls, however, Bucky looks extremely uninterested as he looks around the crowd as if looking for someone. Bucky's eyes are drawn to you as he searches the crowd. After saying something to Steve, he walks toward you. 

"Hey," He says, with a smile on his face. 

"Hi," you say as you smirk, "You looked like you were enjoying yourself"

"Loads. It's so much fun having girls explain to us why we should buy them a drink" You burst out laughing, seeing his face as he says this. 

"There goes my idea of getting you to buy me a drink. I had a whole explanation planned" You smirk. 

"Oh yeah? Why should I buy you one?" He questions you.

"Well... firstly, I think you should buy me a drink because I'm dehydrated from all the AMAZING dancing I did and I can't dance anymore without one. Secondly, I think you should because I'm your favourite person in the whole wide world. and Finally... because It will get you away from them" You gesture over towards Steve and the group of girls. 

"You had me at Can't dance without one. Let's get out of here" He grabs your hands, dragging you in the opposite direction as Steve. You laugh as he pulls you to the bar. "What would you like, doll? Let me guess... a coke?" He smirks, knowing that it's your usual drink.

"No, actually." You turn to the bartender "I will have a cocktail please" You tell the bartender what you want and he goes to make it. You turn to see Bucky looking at you, shocked. "What?" 

"You don't usually drink" He states.

"I know. But I feel like letting loose tonight. After all, it's the last night that we're all together." Your smile falls but you quickly put on a smile before Bucky notices. You're not sure if he noticed, but if he did, he didn't say anything.

The bartender comes back for your drink and Bucky pays for it while you stand there, drinking it. By the time Bucky pays, it's half gone. "Jeez, doll. Slow down a bit. I don't want to be carrying you across the dance floor" He chuckles as you down the rest of your drink. 

"I'm not a lightweight, you know? Come on, I want to dance" You grab hold of his hand, pulling him towards the dance floor. 

You and Bucky dance for a while, before, the music stops and a slow song comes on. Bucky holds his hand out to you with a smile on his face and you take his hand as he pulls you closer. You take a deep breath, laying your head on his shoulder as you move side to side, to the music.

"You okay, Doll?" He asks, looking down at you. 

You smile "Yeah" You look around before looking back at him "I just don't want this night to end" 

Bucky sighs "Me neither". In the morning, they will be leaving for training and the only contact you will have with them for 3 months will be through letters.  It breaks your heart to know that they will be fighting in the war, but at least the first 3 months are just for training, and then after that, they will be together, protecting each other. 

The night goes on, while you dance, laugh and spend time with Bucky and Steve before you go home, preparing yourself for the morning to come. 


The next morning comes too soon for your liking. You had barely slept that night, thinking over and over again about how Bucky and Steve were going to war. You hated the thought of it but you knew that you could not stop them. It wouldn't be fair to ask them to stay when it's what they want. 

You lie in bed, staring at the ceiling. The sooner you get up, the sooner they leave so you stay there as long as possible. But then there's a knock at the door. "Go away! I'm sleeping!"

the door swings open to reveal Steve standing there. "Yeah well we need to be there in about an hour but if you don't get up, you're going to make us late" 

"Good" You pull the covers over your head.

"Come on, Doll. Don't make us late" You hear Bucky from behind Steve. 

"5 more minutes!"

"Doll, you have exactly 5 seconds to get out of bed or I'll drag your ass out of it myself." You lift your head slightly, peering through the gap in the sheets. Bucky looks you straight in the eyes "You know I will" 

You can't help but notice him in his uniform... He was standing, leaning against the doorway, smirking. Wait.. why was he smirking? and where had Steve gone?

"Doll, stare all you like, you're still getting your ass out of bed" THAT was why he was smirking... You cover your face back up with your bedsheet, hiding the fact that you had been caught staring. 

"Where has Steve gone?" You question but then you hear footsteps coming towards you. 

"I'm right here" Steve says. Why does he seem so close?

"Steve, I don't think that's a good idea-" You hear Buck say but he gets cut off.

"AHHHHHH" You scream as you feel ice-cold water covering the top half of your body. You jump up out of bed, shivering, searching for a blanket. 

You finally find one, wrapping it around you before turning to see who did it. You see Steve stood there laughing, holding a bucket. Steve threw a bucket of water over you. 

"WHAT THE HELL!?" You shout at Steve. 

"Well, you're up aren't you?" You look at him in disbelief "Oh come on, I couldn't give up the chance to do that before I leave! You would do the same!" He stands there laughing, while Bucky stands in the doorway, not sure whether to laugh or not.

"Get out. Before I decide to get you back" 

Steve and Bucky leave before shutting the door so you can get ready. You stand there, still shocked, before finally getting changed and putting your hair up in a messy bun since it's wet. 

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