Part 7- Bucky's secret

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You snap out of your thoughts when you hear a voice behind you. "Doll? What are you doing on this side of town?" You see Bucky walk towards you, confused but with a smile on his face.

"Umm... I was going to get my favourite sweets, must have got lost in my thoughts and wandered this way" You take one last glance at the shop window, before turning away. "What are you doing on this side of town?"

"Oh, err, just had to run some errands." You can tell when Bucky is lying and that was a lie. " Are you free? We didn't exactly have time to finish our talk last night"

Right... That's not something you could forget. "Oh right, I forgot about that. Yeah, I'm free, but I can't be too long, Steve doesn't know where I am. He was already gone this morning."

"Come on, I know a place we won't get disturbed" He grabs your hand and pulls you along to walk with him. This sends shivers up your spine and you get butterflies in your stomach.

You start walking next to him and he still doesn't let go of your hand. Does he not know what he does to you? "Where are we going?" You question him as you both walk towards the other side of town where the pier and your home is.

"To the beach" He smiles and looks ahead.

"Right... we're going to the place where our conversation got disturbed last time. Great idea, you are so smart" You say, sarcastically, smiling at his expression.

He looks at you with an amused face before replying. " I know a place on the beach where we won't be disturbed. Is that okay, Mrs Smartypants?"

"Mrs? Have you and Steve married me off to someone and I don't know about it? Is that your plan for me after you both leave?" You smirk.

"Oh shut up, smartypants, you know what I meant" He rolls his eyes but lets out a laugh "How have I put up with your sarcasm and attitude for so long?"

"Hmm I don't know, must be because you love me that much" You joke but he doesn't laugh. "It was a joke Bucky, you're meant to laugh" As much as his reaction hurt you, you can't show it.

"Oh, right, yeah. haha," He looks away but then says "Come on, it's this way. Not much further" You look up and see that you're at the other side of the beach, heading towards the rocks at the bottom of the cliff.

"Why are we going to the rocks?" The rocks are where everybody goes so we would definitely be disturbed.

"We're not, we're going over the rocks" What did he just say?

"I've got to climb over the rocks? I know I'm an outdoors kind of person but I'm not exactly dressed for climbing" You gesture down to your skirt and dolly shoes.

"I can always carry you over them" He smirks, knowing what you'll say.

"I'm sure I'll be fine," You say, knowing that if he did, you would probably pass out from embarrassment, as well as being overwhelmed from being carried by your crush.

You get to the rocks and stop in front of them. "You sure you don't want to be carried, doll? Wouldn't want to ruin them pretty shoes of yours" He smirks. He knows that you're not one of the girls who care about how they look or if you ruin your clothes.

"I am absolutely fine." Bucky climbs the first rock and you follow as he gets higher and higher.

You get to the last rock and put your foot on it, but as you do, you lose your balance and slip. Bucky grabs your hand before you can fall back, pulling you up onto the rock and holding you up by your waist. "I got you, doll"

You look up and gasp at the sight. Over the rocks, you can see the sun, shining over the sea and reflecting onto it. "It's beautiful" You stare over the sea in awe. 

Bucky looks at you, "Isn't it?" 

"So, what did you want to talk about it?" You turn to him, realising how close you are to him, his arm still around your waist.

"Like I said the other day, I want to make sure there are no secrets before I leave" 

"I didn't think we had any secrets?" You were always open with everything, or so you thought?

"We don't... but I have one" What? 

"You know you just completely contradicted yourself, right?" You smirk, trying to keep the mood up.

"Would you stop being a smartypants for one minute?" He smiles, chuckling at you.

"Fine, you may carry on" 

"Oh, can I now?" He smirks, amused "Anyway... God why is this is so hard"

"Buck, just tell me. You know you can tell me anything" what is he trying to tell you?

"I know, I just don't know how to word it" He stays silent for a moment "I don't want to ruin our friendship..." His arm finally falls from your waist but as soon as it does, you miss it.

"Nothing could ever ruin what we have, Buck." You place your hand on his arm as comfort.

"Even if I was an alien from another planet? "He raises his eyebrow, making you laugh.

"Yes, even if you were an alien from another planet!"

"What if that alien... liked you? Or loved you?" You stare at him, unsure of what he's going on about.

"Yes, even then. Now, get to the point, stop stalling" You giggle at how nervous he seems, it's strange to see him like this.

"Doll... I like you." He stares at you, waiting for a reaction

"Well I like you too, Buck" He really needs to choose how he says things. It's not like you have a crush on him or anything. You mentally roll your eyes.

"No, doll, I mean I like... like you" You just stare at him...


"I like you doll, more than as a friend. I have for a long time but I didn't want to say anything." You just keep staring at him, did you really just hear him right? Or are you hallucinating? "The only reason I'm saying now is because of going into the army. I don't want there to be any secrets in case... well, in case I don't come back"

"Don't talk like that. You are coming back from the war. As for the other.... subject, I..."

"You don't have to say anything, I just wanted to tell you before I leave"

Before he can say anything, you do something you never imagined you would ever do...

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