Part five- Confrontation

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The next few days go by very slowly, while you just sit in your room, reading. Steve stayed in his room, not talking to anyone. He's not only upset about Bucky leaving but also because he still couldn't manage to get into the army. There are only three days left to sign up and he seems to have given up... You look over at the book about scientists and sigh. 

You stand up, walk out of your room, to Steve's, and knock. Silence. "Steve? Please open the door... I need to tell you something" Still, silence. "I'm coming in" You wait a second before walking in. You look around his room, it was a simple setup, similar to yours but messier. 

You see him, sat on his bed. "Steve... I must tell you something" He doesn't look at you, only stares into space.

"You're not going to the army too are you?" 

You sigh "No... but you can" This gets his attention. 

"If I go, nobody will be here for you. And even if that wasn't the case, they won't let me join. I'm not built for the army" 

"That's the thing... there is a way for you to join" You take a deep breath, before passing Steve the card with Dr Erskine's details on it "Talk to Dr Abraham Erskine. He said he has a serum that can change you to be built for the army. I've done research on it and Dr Erskine seems to be trustworthy."

He stares at you for a while before speaking. "Why are you telling me this when you don't want me to go into the army? You make that clear every day" 

"I don't... but I know it is what you want and I want you to be happy." He stands up and walks towards you "You do not have to worry about me, I will be okay. Go to the centre and ask for the doctor. You only have a few days to signup before the centre closes to the public"

He is silent for a while "No... I can't leave you" He walks closer. "You will be alone. I can't do that to you, I can't leave you"

Steve, don't be stupid. I want you to be happy, as long as you are, so I am." He doesn't look convinced "You better go and march your butt down to the signup centre and find the doctor before I change my mind and regret telling you about it" 

He smiles and laughs at you "Thank you" He goes to walk out "You need to go and talk to Bucky... before it's too late" He leaves. What does that mean? Before it's too late? 

You go back to your room, get your shoes and leave the house. You think about where you will find him. The pier or his house? Luckily, his house is on the way to the pier. You head towards Bucky's house, not knowing what you plan to do, but after Steve's words, you know you need to. You don't want him to leave without talking. 

You arrive at Bucky's place, knocking on the door and waiting. Nobody answers. You knock again but when there is no answer,  you walk away, heading down to the pier. But what will you say? What will he say? You find yourself falling into your own little world as you walk down to the pier, thinking of what will happen.

When you get to the pier, you go straight to Bucky's favourite place... the bar, of course. You walk in and look around... You spot him straight away, talking to a blonde girl in the far corner. You roll your eyes, he's always talking to a girl. slowly, you walk through the crowd towards him. "Hey, Buck..."

He turns, hearing your voice behind him and smiles. "Doll? What are you doing here?"

"Can we talk? We kind of left things on bad turns" You smile sheepishly.

"No, you can't talk. He was talking to me" You turn to the girl, shocked at how rude she seemed.

"Excuse me? " You reply, unsure of what to say... Bucky just stares at her, was he going to let her talk to me like that?

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