Part 6- Planning for the future

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The next morning, you sit on your bed, silently processing last night. Steve had left early to sort the details out with Dr Erskine and you had no idea what Buck was doing. You start to think about what is on the agenda for today. 

You go downstairs to get a pen and paper, sitting at the dining table. If Steve and Bucky are leaving in a few days, you need to make a plan. Steve can't have the stress of paying all the bills so you will have to help somehow. If you get a job, you can help pay the bills as well as be able to afford luxury items such as drinks at the pier. 

Instead of writing a list, you grab the pen and write on the paper 'Gone out. I'll explain when back' before going to the door. You go to open the door but you stop suddenly, looking down. You need to look professional. You run upstairs to your room, swinging your wardrobe open and looking inside. You need something professional, but something that doesn't look like you're trying too hard. You pull out a long, dark blue dress with a jacket that matches it. Not too short, not too long. It was perfect. You change and then leave the house, walking towards the shops.

10 minutes later, you walk straight into the telephone company building, ringing the bell at the front desk. A few seconds later, a young blonde woman walks around the corner, towards you. You stare in disbelief... It's the rude woman from the bar last night with Bucky. "Err hi" You hope she doesn't remember you.

"Hello again. There isn't anyone you can stop me from talking to here so I suppose there is no reason for you to be here" She smirks. You spoke too soon, of course, she remembers you, why wouldn't she?

You realise that you're going to have to apologise and suck up to her. Especially if she's the only chance of getting a job here. "I'm sorry about that... Bucky is my best friend and we had had an argument about him going into the army so I was eager to talk to him. I really am sorry and I hope we can put it behind us. I was hoping to leave my name and number here in case a spot opens up as a telephone operator?" 

She stares at you for a few seconds before smiling at you suspiciously. "Sure! Here, write it down on this paper and I'll let them know. We've actually just lost someone in that department"

As suspicious as she seems, you know this is your only chance. You write your name down and number, before thanking her and leaving the shop. There's not much hope since you're pretty sure she was just being sarcastic, but anything is worth a shot. 

As you're walking down the street, you spot a jewellery shop with a beautiful necklace in the window. It's simple, a small emerald pendant on a chain, but beautiful. You know that you need to go and keep searching for a job, but you decide to go into the shop to have a look. You have never been in before as you can't afford it, and you've never seen the need for jewellery. 

You walk in and the bell above the door rings. The shop is busy with women walking around, looking at all the jewellery. Compared to everyone in this shop, you seem so out of place. You slowly start walking around, looking for the pendant you saw in the window. 

"Do you need any help searching for anything?" A voice startles you from behind. As you turn around, you see a brown-haired woman, around your age, standing there with a big smile. 

"Umm, thanks, but I can't afford anything in here. I just saw something on the way past the shop" You smile at her, and go to walk away but she stops you.

"Oh, well, what were you doing on this side of town? It's only shops like this and the telephone company on this side" She smiles but sees your reaction "Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude on your reason, It just seemed like you were a bit out of your comfort zone" 

"Was it that obvious? I'm over here, trying to get a job before my brother leaves for the army in a few days." You think about the blonde girl at the telephone company and sigh "I tried the telephone company but somehow, I don't think I'll be getting further than the receptionist" 

"Blonde skinny woman? not that tall but not short either?" You stare at her, confused. "Yeah, that's Regina. She can be a real bitch" 

"I can tell... I had a run-in with her when she was... flirting with my friend. And now, because of that, I don't think she will be passing my details onto anyone higher, anytime soon" 

"Sounds like you might be right... Why don't you give me your details." You stare at her, confused. Why would she want your details? "I can pass them onto my boss and put in a good word for you. Someone just got fired for stealing so you might have a fair chance"

"You would do that for me? Why? I'm just a stranger that walked into the shop" Why would she give a stranger a chance to get a job?

"Because... You seem like a nice gal, one that would work hard, especially if you're trying to get a job before your brother leaves. I presume that's so that you can help out instead of relying on him?" You nod " Then that proves my point even more. Besides, anyone that can piss Regina off is a new friend of mine" 

You both laugh "Well thank you. My name is Mary, but everyone calls me by my middle name, Ellesse" 

"Ellesse... I like that name. My name is Jackie, but some people call me Jack" 

"Well Jackie, here's my details. Make sure you make a note of my number before passing it on, we will have to have a coffee sometime" You smile, handing her your details. "Now, I better go. My brother will be looking for me"

"It was lovely meeting you, I shall see you soon" She smiles as you walk out. 

You stop outside the window, by the pendant. It warms your heart when you meet people as nice as Jackie seemed. You smile as you realise that you may have a chance to work at the shop, and then maybe one day, you can buy that pendant. 

You snap out of your thoughts when you hear a voice behind you. "What are you doing on this side of town?" 

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