Part 16- The letters

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*****A few months later*****

It's your day off on a Saturday morning and you're running late to meet Peggy at the pier. You have met her a few times, and she gave you an update on the boys, telling you they were doing well.

You run out the door with only 5 minutes to get to the pier. You ran most of the way and somehow managed to be late only by 1 minute. You run to the table where you see her sitting.

"I'm so sorry I'm late" 

"Ellesse, it's only 1 minute. It's fine" She chuckles as you collapse into the seat, breathless from running.

You catch your breath before speaking "How are they?" 

Peggy smiles "They are both fine. They are doing great with training and are two of the best soldiers so far" She reaches into her bag for some letters addressed to you in handwriting you are all too familiar with. Steve and Bucky. "I got these off them for you but don't tell anyone. I'll get into trouble" She smiles, passing the letters to you. 

"Thank you. So what have they been up to since we last met? Have they got themselves into trouble yet?" You laugh, jokingly.

Peggy hesitates "just training exercises and no trouble " She talks pretty fast, avoiding eye contact.

"Peggy... what have they done?" You ask suspiciously. 

"They haven't done anything, what are you going on about?" Peggy looks at you with an innocent expression.

"For someone that works with the army, your a terrible liar" You look at her with a stern expression.

"Fine but you didn't hear this from me" She sighs "Someone threw a grenade into the training yard" She sees the worry on your face "Don't worry, it was fake"

"Okay... so what did they do?" You ask, curious. 

"You should be proud of them, actually. They have shown us that they are honourable soldiers" She smiles, reassuringly, however, she knows you won't see it like that. 

"But what did they do Peggy? Why don't you want to tell me?" 

She gives in "They both pushed everyone else out of the way and covered the grenade"

"WHAT!?" You say a bit too loud.

****Later that day, at home****

You sit down at your desk, pulling out the letters Peggy gave you. You sigh before opening the first one, and by the handwriting, it's Steves. You start to read it.

Dear Ellesse, 

Your letters have made your experience at the jewellery store sound amazing. You seem to be enjoying it. I'm glad. I've missed you so much the last few months and have been worried about you being on your own. I know you have Jackie but I still can't help but worry. Although maybe I should be more worried since you are alone with Jackie? 

You roll your eyes. Typical Steve.

We've got less than a week left now. I remember leaving as if it was yesterday, and now I can't imagine not being here. Not that I'm not excited to be back, I can't wait to see you but it will still be strange. 

I don't have much time left, Peggy only gave me 10 minutes to write this and Buck and I are sharing a pen. 5 more days. 

See you soon,

Steve Rogers.

You pull out a piece of paper and a pen and start to write.


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