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Bakugou's pov*

Today was the day. The day I finally trained with AllMight. I brushed my teeth and put on my cleanest UA uniform. I packed my best training clothes in a bag so I could change in the locker rooms when we train. I made my hair look a little less spikier and made sure I tied my shoes. I wanted to look my best since I been bragging about this for a very long time to the bakusquad and I can't look like a liar. I been waiting for weeks for this. 

As I made my way back down the halls, people stared maybe it was because I was excited and I was slightly smiling a genuine smile. I made to class and Aizawa quirked a brow at my behavior and I couldn't help but smile a little harder from his reaction. I sat beside Kaminari. "I bet your excited since today is the day?" He said with a lollipop in his mouth. "Duh Dunce Face. AllMight promised. AllMight wouldn't lie." I said in a a matter-of-factly tone. He held his up hand in defense. "Bakubae don't be salty." Pinky said while smiling. "Shut up extra!" I shouted. 

After a couple boring lessons later. Aizawa cleared his throat. "Ok class go to the training ground where AllMight is." I was the first one out the door. I quickly changed in the locker rooms and looked around the training grounds. I didn't see AllMight and felt a bit of nerves but quickly reassured myself AllMight was just running late. Sure enough after a couple rounds of fighting with Redhair, AllMight came in with Deku behind him talking his ear off about something.

"Young Midoriya, go get changed and we'll start training." Excuse me? Did I hear that right? Surely your mistaken sir. I walked over to AllMight "I thought you said that we were going to train with me today." I said and AllMight sweat-dropped. "Yes I did say that but young Midoriya needs more help right now and besides you and young Kirishima make a good sparring pair." Is he serious right now. I felt a lump in my throat and felt my heart sink. "But AllMight you always train with him. You've been training with only him since school started! Why can't you train with me?!" I shouted unwillingly getting the attention of some of the extras. "Young Bakugou I will not explain myself again. Young Midoriya needs more improvement than you. Don't be selfish." 

"Selfish?!" I yelled angrily and Deku came out of the locker room and I immediately stick my middle finger up to him. "Young Midoriya, were about to train." AllMight said while walking away. I followed him and also got on the mat. "Young Bakugou I won't ask again, please leave. Me and Young Midoriya are training." He spat. "No! You said you would train with me today! And then you blow me off for stupid fucking Deku!" I yelled. "Young Bakugou don't talk about your classmates like that. Also please get off the mat." He said and could feel tears welling up from anger and betrayal. "Fuck you and Deku." I spat getting off  the mat. Deku turned to me and yelled "Don't talk to AllMight like that!" I rolled my eyes. "Shut up. Just go back to being AllMight's favorite." I said as I walked away. 

I felt tears threating to spill so I ran before the others could see. I felt everyone's eyes on me. I knew they were watching me. I just said fuck you to the 1# hero. I ran to my dorm ignoring the bakusqaud and Aizawa Sensei's calls for me to come back. By the time I got to my room I slammed the door behind me and started to cry. I hated crying. It makes you weak. So I kept it in. After a couple minutes I heard knocking. I waited for them to leave but they wouldn't stop knocking. I swung open the door only to reveal the bakusquad. "Can we come in?" Dunce Face asked with pleading eyes. I rolled my eyes and said sure. I let them in and Redhair  was about to started the movie, Inside Out. Kaminari started  popped popcorn with some of his bolts of electricity. Sero was warming up something in the microwave.  "Guys stop. You don't have to do this. I'll be fine." I said smiling trying to persuade them. 

"No your not." Dunce Face said. "We don't have  to do this. We want  to do this. So let us." Tape spiderman adding in. "Yeah you don't have to pretend. We know how much it meant to you" RedHair said. "I don't know what your talking about. I'm fine." I said lying through my teeth.

 I turned around and saw Mina doing the thing. What's the thing you may ask? Well Whenever Kiri was having a hard time and struggling with the pressure of school and after I got kidnapped he was scared it was going to happen again, and Mina hugged him and let it all out.  Whenever some racist kids called him slurs for being mexican (Their expelled now and the bakusquad beat them up.) Mina hugged him and had a break down and confessed about and also let it out. Whenever some kids were bullying Denki (The bakusquad beat them up. They won't mess with Denki anymore)about him zoning out after using his quirk, Mina hugged him and he told her about going on for weeks and he let out all his bottled up feelings. Mina told us about her problems and we would comfort her. 

I didn't want to let it all out. I don't want to. It makes you vulnerable. Mom doesn't like that. I backed up as I saw her hold out her arms. I can't break my mask. She stood there with her arms open and I backed up in a corner. "Come on Bakubaby." She said with a smile. One part of my mind said seek the comfort and hug her back, the other said hell no don't be weak. I didn't know which one to listen to so I stood there not moving. Frozen. She walked closer to me. And I started to panic and everything in the my body was telling me to move but I couldn't move. Couldn't or wouldn't?

 "No no no no no no no no." I panicked. I snapped out of my thoughts from hearing a couple words. "Don't be shy. I promise we won't judge you." Pinky said the same words. The same words my mother said. All of a sudden I felt my knees buckle and fell to my knees. I felt pain from my chest. I knew it wasn't physical it was emotional. I felt Mina wrap her arms around me and pull me to her lap, rocking me back and forth. I tried to push away from her but I couldn't she much stronger. "No, let me go. I can't." I continued pushing away from her but she still wouldn't let me. "Please?..." She didn't let go and the tears I was holding in was falling. I felt like screaming. And before I knew it I was screaming and crying in her arms as my tears were rolling down my cheeks. Her hugs were warm. 

"Shhhhh, your fine. It's ok. Were all going to be fine. Shhh" She said as I was silently crying. After I calmed down she sat me on the couch and the squad cuddled me. We sat there watching the movie. Me occasionally falling a sleep on Kaminari since he's beside me.

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