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Aizawa POV*

I got the boys to the Hospital, when I knew they were going to be ok and the nurse told me I had to leave, I went back to my class. Of course they didn't know what actually happened so I had called them for a meeting.  

When they all were actually all there they wanted to know what happened because it was on the news. 

"Class, Bakugou, Sero, and Todoroki have gotten in a accident. I went to check-....talk to them about the stuff they missed and I saw ice. Todoroki had iced the whole room and leaving him, Sero, and Bakugou in bad condition. Bakugou flat-lined a couple times and he damaged his hands pretty badly, but the doctors think he will be in a coma while Sero has less of a chance but he still has a chance. Todoroki is in stable condition all though his quirk hasn't calmed down yet resulting in his IV being changed due to be frozen." I said while looking them in the eyes with sincerity. They all looked like they were holding in tears but I knew they questions. "Any questions?" Almost all the problem children raised their hands. I picked on Denki. "Do you know why he froze the room?" I sighed. "No I don't." I pointed to Midoriya. "Can we visit them after class today?" I thought about it for a moment. "I'll call to ask the hospital later, if they say we can visit, I'll take you all." They seemed to all be a little more happier considering they smiling a little but they all still have tears in their eyes.  Nedzu already called the boys's parents.

The rest of the day I go easy on the class but still challenging none the less. After school was over I called the hospital they said we could see them but only three at a time.  Visiting hours are from So before I took them we all decided who was going to be with who. 

1st trio is Denki, Midoriya and Iida. 2nd trio is Mina, Kirishima, and Jiro. 3rd is Uraraka, Tsui, and Momo. 4th is Aoyama, Me and Mineta. The others were gonna stay at the dorms and make gifts for the boys for when they wake up.  On the way to the hospital I could tell they were nervous. The nurse greeted us but told us to be careful around Todoroki and don't touch him. I let trio number 1 go first.

Denki's pov*

I was nervous the whole time since we heard about the accident but now that I'm actually at the hospital I keep zoning out and playing with the sleeves of uniform. We were all in uniforms, we didn't go to our dorms except to eat before we left. I was sitting in a chair across the hall from the hospital room with my head down trying to hold back tears. I teetering of the idea of just crying and let it all out or hold it in. I didn't know which one to do. Suddenly I feel someone tap me on the shoulder telling me it was our turn to go visit.

We went to Todoroki's room first and Midoriya was the first to pipe up as if the world was stopping he and Todoroki had a moment and Midobro was crying and was going to hug touch Todobro but Iida reminded him what the nurse told us. Surprisingly Todoroki was sleep abut woke up after Iida told me not to touch the tv remote he said rather loudly waking up Todoroki. And I swear when he did Midoriya looked at him like he was gonna torture Iida in million ways.

"Hey Todoroki. I know you probably won't like this since it has your fathe- Endeavor in this, but I brought it anyway because I know you probably won't like looking at only the walls in here. Our other class mates are here and some of them are making you gifts so try to get out of here soon." He said while trying to wipe away tears. He gave him a picture where Midoriya was making a funny impression of Endeavor while he was turned around and Todoroki was smiling in the background. 

"M- Midoriya..... don't cry, I'll b-be.. okay." He said stuttering a little. "Show me....your smile..." He said trying his best to get out those words. Iida had tears in his eyes and tried to hold his tears back. Midoriya had tears down his face but smiled his best smile at Todoroki. After a little while we had to go and when we got out of the room I pulled Iida to the side. "Kaminari what are you-" I cut him off by hugging him. "As class president we should-" I cut him off again by saying, "Your allowed to cry. In class you are the class president but outside of class your Iida, a hum being." He hugged me back and I realized I was crying too. After that bro moment we both went to Sero's room. He was awake but was in multiple blankets. "Hey guys." He said in a weak voice. I ran to hug him to which he returned. "Bro you scared the living daylights out of me! Don't do that again." He laughed dryly and then told us what happened. "Did you miss me?" He asked me as if he was crazy. I only laughed and then he chuckled and I started crying and hugged him again. "Of course I missed you. What kind of question is that?" After that we told him about Todoroki and then we went to Bakugou's room.

Izuku's POV*

We were on the way to Kacchan's before a group of doctors came running in the room. I asked them what happened but they wouldn't answer so I tried to get closer to the door. Only to get pulled back by a male doctor. "Sir, you can't go in there." He said trying to pull me back. "Why not!?" Denki snapped back at him. "Sir, he's flatlining." The doctor said while holding me and Denki back. "Well then we need to see him!" By now I was angry and sobbing. "I'm sorry sir but we can't let you back there." I understand they were doing their job but I don't care. I need to see him. "If you let me I will make you!" I yelled. They were all  trying their best to hold Denki and me back while Iida went to get Aizawa. 

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