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Bakugou's pov*

Icyhot was starting look like he was in a trance until Tape asked him what was wrong and he replied with "I can't." He started to freak out and started breathing faster and he pulled his knees to his chest and frost was starting to frost his clothes.  He looked like he was in a trance. I tried to tell Icyhot to snap out of it. He didn't though. Half of his body was frosted all over the icy side and the hot side looked like he was having ice patches on it. Ice was all over half of the room and I was trying to melt it with my quirk. 

After a while Sero was trying to get to Todoroki since he was starting to pass out. My hands were bleeding from the explosions I was making to melt the ice. "Stop it! Icyhot!" No response. I kept on calling him until he and SpiderTape was passed out. I was relying on my quirk to keep me warm enough to not pass out but it started going slower and slower until it came to no warmth. I been trying to get out the room but the entire time we were caved in the room because of the ice. I wasn't sweaty or hot so I wasn't able to give full power explosions and they kept getting sloppier until I couldn't. 

Todoroki's and Sero's lips were a pale blue. They both looked like they were barely breathing. Todoroki had tear that looked like they were icicles. I tried to go over to the two of them but I felt my shaky legs start to give out so I started to crawl. I was desperate to reach them. I only got close enough to reach their ankles before my vision went blurry and my body collapsed. I knew I probably about to freeze to death but I used the last of my power to warm up my hands that were wrapped around the two boys. They both looked like they were breathing more easily than how their breathe were labored before. I gave one final look to them before I passed out and darkness clouded my eyes.

Aizawa's pov* 

I was on my way to Mina's dorm since she said Sero, Bakugou, and Todoroki were there but as I approached it I realized there was ice and frost all over the outside of door and seeping out the floor. I ran in the room only to see all three of the boys looking frozen. I ran over to them seeing Todoroki and Sero slightly wheezing with labored breathing. I checked Todoroki and Sero for injuries and then Bakugou attached to both of their of their anckles.

 He didn't have a pulse as I was checking his wrist and neck. I started to have flashbacks of Oboro but I just pushed them to the back of my mind. This was not the time to reminisce. I started to do heart compressions. No response. "Come on kid, come on." I kept muttering to him. I did the heart compressions and checked his pulse. No response. I felt tears prick my eyes. I can't lose a student. Not after Oboro. I kept did heart compressions and checked his pulse. No heartbeat. "Wake up! Come on kid, you can't go out like this." I said still doing heart compressions on his limp body. I did CPR and mouth to mouth and with the same result. No response. I kept doing it until I knew their was no life in the body. I pulled him into my arms and cried with the tears I kept back. All I could see looking down at the limp body in my arms was Oboro. "Wake up.....please" I muttered I knew he couldn't hear me but I don't care. After a couple seconds I hear a cough and labored breathe. I look down to see problem child breathing I check his pulse so I know I wasn't tripping. He had a pulse.

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