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Sero pov* 

It was morning and Bakugou was still asleep and so was everyone else so since I'm so nice I decided to put the food I warmed up last that was now cold in the microwave. After it got done I made everyone toast and was gonna make tea. But I didn't know where it was so I looked in the cabinets. Couldn't find them. I look in the frigderator . Not there. I look on the shelves, not there. Someone is about to have no tea. I saw something behind some cans. I picked up and it was tea. I made tea woke everyone up and told them the food was ready. They all lined up with there plates. 

Everyone was getting a good amount of food except Bakugou. Bakugou only wanted tea and half a piece of toast. I noticed he only eats when Mr. Aizawa is watching him. Other than that he doesn't eat in front of the class. "Bakugou." I called to get his attention. "Do you want anything else to eat?" I asked in a soft voice. "Nope." He said popping the 'p'. "Are you sure? I can make you your favorite food. I don't mind." I said smiling softly. "I'm good." He said as Kaminari was stuffing his face. "You sure dude-" I got cut off. "I said I'm fine." He said putting his plate away. He only had two bites of toast before going to the bathroom to change. I didn't say anything else as he walked away. I don't want to push it. 

"I don't think he's ok." Kiri said while we all shared worried glances at each other.

Mina's pov* 

After everyone else got done eating I washed the plates while Kiribro and Denki went to their dorm to go change and get ready when they come back me and Sero will. We didn't want to leave Bakubabe alone and leave without saying anything. Sero was cleaning up the kitchen some since he cooked.

After a little while everyone got changed and ready for school. We all walked through  the crowded halls of UA. People stared seeing us all being quiet. It wasn't an uncomfortable, awkward silence where you want to just shrivel up into nonexistence. It was a comfortable, nice and calm silence. As we were walking I noticed a group of girls I never noticed before, talking about Bakugou's figure. I looked over to him and could tell he was trying to ignore him but considering his balled up fists by his side, it wasn't working. I rubbed his back comfortingly and he tensed the whole time so Denki tried to distract him but those girls were getting louder as we walked. 

"I can't believe he's not even that skinny." 


   "He looks like a cow." 

    "I wonder if going to actually be a hero with that body fat." 

     "He should just give up like seriously he should start trying out yoga instead of being a hero"  

   "I know right?!"

"What do you guys think?"  

"He needs to lose a couple pounds before I get in the bed with him."

"He probably needs to lose all that baby fat in different areas before I would date him."

We were halfway through the hall but I couldn't deal with it anymore so I ran over to them and fussed them out. "If you say one more thing  about his body I promise you won't get to even see your next class. And he isn't an object that you pass around like a toy. He's a damn human being not just your barbie doll that you pick out because it's skinny or bigger. So shut up. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't want to date whores anyway." I yelled clenching my fists and glared at them. "Shut up you ugly, pink, E.T."  And spat on me.

The girl said walking away with the other girls smiling. I just chewed my tongue and grabbed them by their her hair and slammed her down on the ground. She groaned and stayed down on the ground. The other girl looked shocked and turned to run but I activated my quirk and grabbed a chunk of their hair and melted a little bit of it. The girls scream and ran except the one on the floor. I stood over her and said "Bitch don't try me." And I turned around to see a shocked bakusquad and an embarrassed Bakubae. "I didn't need you to do that you know." He grumbled. "No body talks that way about my bestfriends or anyone else. It's very rude." I said giving him a bright smile. "Thanks Pinky." He said barely above a whisper. I looked shocked at first but then shed a tear and said "Anytime." While the boys just smiled. 

When we walked to the class it was like any other day except Mineta asked Bakugou what bra size he wore and Bakugou exploded him into smithereens. We trained away from AllMight and Midoriya so Bakugou wouldn't get upset or get in a fight with Midoriya. After training we went to the locker room. After I changed I went to the  1A gc.

PinkQueen: Guys, gals, and pals I'm having a sleepover, it starts at 8:00, so can everyone come?

Crocsarethebest: Sure.

Office_depot: You already know im gonna be there.

Blasty: whatever. I'll be there.

Endeavorsucks: Anything to get away from Endeavor. 

It'sTsui.:I don't mind as long as Uraraka is there.

Kirby: don't worry tsui i will be there. <3

MOMo: ill be there as well.

Iida: As my duty as class president I will go so I can help this be very responsible and mature.

Broccoli: Sure. I don't mind ;)

Pikachu: Sure. :)

I went straight to my dorm and got ready. 

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