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No ones Pov*

Everyone was visiting Bakugou constantly but their morale was getting very low. It had been 5 years. The doctors said his body was shutting down and they couldn't find out why. The doctors said Bakugou might not wake up if his body fully shut down and that if he does wake up he might not be the same. 

Aizawa was constantly extra protective of his old and new students because he didn't want to lose them. Aizawa wouldn't let the class even go to Allmight's without his supervision while still trying to make sure Eri and Shinso also didn't feel left out. Aizawa also had to make sure Eri was alright since she had beginning to come back from school sad recently. 

Allmight and Izuku would argue to the point Izuku stopped going to their lessons. Allmight would get angry because Izuku wouldn't continue putting all of his focus on training because he was visiting Bakugou. Eventually Izuku cut off Allmight and would ignore him. 

The bakusquad would go to each others houses and hang out and try to stay positive but it was killing them inside so when they were only around each other they would let their emotions flow instead of hiding them.

Sero and Todoroki wouldn't fully use their quirks around anyone unless they were alone. They both had gotten jobs as pro heroes. Sero also took up being a tattoo artist and Todoroki took up being a designer. 

Denki took up being a gamer and Shinso ended up working with Sero as a tattoo artist. Iida, Tsuyu, and Uraraka ended up being doctors. Mina worked at a salon and Kirishima had got a job as working at Mei's Amusement Park. He was very good with children. Aoyama also worked Todoroki and often modeled the outfits. Momo didn't work but would help out make new supplies for her friends if they needed it or didn't have the money. Monoma didn't have a job, he already has too much money but does help out every now and then at Kendo's Lovely Chapel.

The whole class became pro heroes and often fought the LOV but here lately they didn't even cause a scene and disappeared off the radar and everything was going good but then they got the call. 

Katsuki has woken up. 

Deku's POV*

I had been laying low for years. I stopped aiming to be the #1 pro hero after I realized there was no point if Kacchan wasn't there with me. I saw my classmates rise to the top and I got to say I'm very proud of them. I haven't seen them in a long while but it's for the best. If they need me they know where to find me. 

I have gotten stronger though. I unlocked the other quirks of OFA. I became a vigilante. I stopped visiting Kacchan as much and trained instead. I made sure that if anything would happen I would be able to help my self and not be vulnerable and naive like I was before. That kid is still there but this time he isn't able to make me jump in and put my life on the line as easily as I did before.

I get ready for the day and go to make breakfast. As I open my fridge I see that I need some more milk, eggs, bread and cheese. I could hear the weather is raining so I grab my rain coat and put on my boots. I walk to one of my cars and make sure I got my wallet before  cranking up my Nissan Altima. 

Once I got to the store I went to the freezer section. The first thing I noticed is strawberry and blueberry yogurt tubes with characters and designs on them. I used to get them and always bring a extra one for Kacchan. I remember when Kacchan was so young and moody. Whenever he was in a bad mood I would share some of my food or bring extra for him and he would then become even more happy and forget about what he was mad at or why. I smiled remembering the memory as tears were about to fall but I held them in. I grabbed the yogurt and walked  down the aisles and got what I needed and payed for it. I got back in my car and drove home. 

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