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Bakugou's POV*

All saw was darkness before light. It felt like I was in a dream. I open my eyes with a grunt and look down to see I'm in hospital gown. I guess I didn't die in the dorms freezing. I pull a oxygen mask off and see I'm hooked up to a whole bunch tubes and stuff including an IV. I look around and see that all around the room is teddy bears, balloons, cards, letters and a whole bunch other stuff along with pictures in frames. "Nurse!" I yell but it sounds like a different voice. "Nurse?" Oh my god that's my voice. It's scratchy and softer. 

After a couple minutes a bunch of nurses and doctors were surrounding me and were asking me a lot of questions. Too many for me to answer considering I feel very lightheaded.

"Katsuki! How are you feeling?" A nurse said cheery. "Lightheaded and dazed." "How many fingers am I holding up?" A male doctor said trying to get my attention. "Two?.." "Does anything hurt?" A brown haired male nurse said. "No, I feel fine just a little confused." "Do you know where you are?" A short, red-headed, woman asked. "Yeah, probably a couple hours or days." "Are you aware of how long you were out?" Questioned a tall male with green eyes. "Uh not entirely." I answered honestly. I then saw a couple of nurses come in and whisper something to the other nurses. A couple minutes later most of them left and in come a doctor.

"Hello Katsuki, I am your doctor. My name is Jamie Kings." He said smiling. "Katsuki this might be scary for you but I'm going to be with you the entire time." He said nicely but I wasn't stupid and didn't trust this man. I felt like everything was off. "I'm good." I answered which shocked the doctor.

"Tell me what happened Doc." I said with a protective glare. "Well you've been in a coma for 5 years." He sighed as I felt like I was piece of glass that just got dropped and broke into thousands of small pieces. "What?!" 

Just as I said that Deku burst through the doors with tears in his eyes. "Kacchan!" He exclaimed as my other classmates emerged through the door. 

My breath quickened as I realized the doctor wasn't lying. I was in a coma for 5 years. My class has already graduated and what about my mother and father?! Are they okay? What happened while I was gone? More importantly what do I look like?!

Before I knew it tears were flowing through my eyes and I was crying. 

Deku's POV*

I watched as Kacchan started crying but what I saw mostly was his hands getting really red and glowing. He didn't noticed and was causing smoke. I knew he didn't notice what was happening but he could accidently make an explosion that could hurt him in the process.

"Kacchan calm down." I said calmly. "I just woke up from a coma Deku! I'm not going to be calm. I don't even know what's going on!" He bit back. "I know but you have to calm down. Then we can talk. I'll fill you in on what happened. I promise. But right now I need you to calm down." I said slowing gesturing to his hands. He looked down and took a couple deep breathes before look the doctor said he needed to get the tubes and stuff off Katsuki and needed no visitors right now. 

No one's POV*

After about 20 minutes the doctor told them they could go in but not all at the same time. They decided Midoriya goes first and then Sero and Todoroki seeing as they were also guilt ridden and then the rest.

"Hey." Midoriya said calmly closing the door. "Hey." Bakugou answered. "How do you feel?" Bakugou made a face at him. "Weird." Midoriya just smiled to keep the tears back. "I guess I'll fill you in. Sero and Todoroki are dating. Mina works at a salon and Sero and Shinsou are tattoo artist. Denki's a gamer and dates Shinsou. Aizawa still checks on everybody. Momo doesn't need a job she's too rich already. Kirishima works at Mei's amusement park." Izuku finished with a smile.

"And you?" Katsuki asked as he saw Izuku's face looked saddened for a second before covering it up with a smile. "I've been doing good." Izuku lied and Katsuki saw right through it. "Your lying to me. Tell me the truth. Did you become #1 hero?" Katsuki asked. 

"No. I joined the league of villains." Izuku said putting his head down. "Why?! You had so much potential! You could've beat Allmight." Katsuki asked confused but angry. Katsuki always knew Izuku could  become #1 hero if he tried so it confused him but also angered him since he knew Izuku had great potential but wasted it on joining the villains.

"Because I couldn't without you!" Izuku spat as Katsuki looked shocked. "What about my parents?" Kat asked softly. "They uh, they got a divorce." 

Tears swelled up in Katsuki's eyes. It was all too much to him. "Why?" His voice quivered. "I don't know. You'll have to ask them. I'll even take you after you get out." Izuku offered. "Thank you." That warmed Izuku's heart. Bakugou never told him thank you and if he did there was always a sly remark after it but this time there was none. "Is the great Katsuki Bakugou finally saying thank you?" Midoriya smirk as Bakugou only rolled his eyes. 

"Hey Deku?" Bakugou asked. "Yeah?" Midoriya responded. "Pass me a mirror. I wanna see my reflection." Izuku took out his phone and went to his camera so Katsuki could see his reflection. "Oh my god. Mina is totally going to flip. I look so different." 


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