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No ones POV*

Fuyumi was tired. She didn't get hardly any sleep because Enji and Natsuo was fussing last night. She was also worried about Shoto since he was in the hospital and she didn't know hardly anything about what happened except when Enji told her about his visit but it didn't make her worry any less. 

She was currently driving her and Natsuo to the hospital but first to the store. They arrived at the local market and started buying get well gifts. "Natsuo if you don't move your feet off of my car's dash I will cut them off." She said angrily to which he moved his feet back to the floor. "Sis can we get Starbucks please?" He said giving her puppy dog eyes. "Sure, but after we go to the store." She sighed. 

As soon as they parked Natsuo ran in the store and yelled to his sister who was still getting out of the car, that he was going to the cards section. Fuyumi just went to the store, got a cart, and went to the food section. She was looking for soba for Shoto. When she found the right aisle she also got some cake for Natsuo because she knew he was going to want some even if he said he could wait till dinner, he was going to be hungry. She then bought her some butter pecan ice cream. She then went to the card aisle in search for her brother.

Natsuo was looking for cards but after a while he got bored of the cheesy saying on the cards and started looking for a get well soon stuffed animal. After awhile he found the perfect one but as he was going to show it to his sister he saw a family of four.

 A married couple with two kids but the little boy who looked about two years old, was barely able to keep up with his older brother. The parents didn't hardly notice the little boy was having trouble with keeping up until the little boy tripped over his shoe laces and hit his knee. The toddler let out a whine before crying holding his knee. His older brother must have heard and went to his brother and asked him was he hurt to which the toddler didn't hardly answer so he picked him up and carried him to the parents and they went on different aisle. 

Natsuo smiled and wiped a stray tear that he didn't notice he had. The boys reminded him of Touya  and him when they were young. Whenever Fuyumi didn't play with him or when he was sad because Enji and Rei were busy with Shoto or busy, Touya would cheer him up. He can remember multiple times he would play with Touya and his brothers friends because he wasn't allowed to play with Shoto and Fuyumi was helping Rei cook or on the phone. Whenever anyone needed help Touya would be there to cheer them up or defend them against Enji.

He quickly snapped out of his thoughts when Fuyumi came over to him with a couple things in the cart. He put the stuffed animal in the cart and they headed over to check out. After that they went to Starbucks and the hospital. Natsuo took forever ordering that Fuyumi ordered for him. 

She had just almond milk and ordered Natsuo a strawberry frap. Natsuo was happy regardless since it had strawberries in it. Soon they got to the hospital and gave Shoto his soba that Fuyumi used her quirk on to make it cold for him. 

"So Shoto how have you been?" Fuyumi asked camly. "Good. How you guys been?" Shoto said politely. "Good." Natsuo answered. "How is school coming along?" Fuyumi asked curiously. "It's doing fine." Shoto answer still slurping noodles. "So Shoto did you get a girlfriend or boyfriend yet?" Natsou said catching Shoto off guard. "Natsuo!" Fuyumi said loudly. "What? I'm just asking. We don't know what he's into." Natsou said. "Oh my lord." Fuyumi sighed.

After that Shoto only answered Fuyumi's questions and ignored his brother to spite him.

Sero's Pov* 

I was trying to talk one of my favorite nurses into letting me get a monster energy drink but she just sighs and shakes her head. 

"Please Ms. Carmicheal, I promise I won't tell anyone." I pleaded. "No, plus you can get all the monster energy drinks you want since your getting released today, although I don't recommend you getting a lot of them unless you want to come back." She said with a smile. "Are you serious Ms. Carmicheal? I finally get to eat McDonalds!" I said happily as she laughed at my statement. "Your free to go when your parents get here. Your new clothes are in the closet since your other clothes are messed up and has a couple holes in them." She said before leaving. 

After a couple hour my parents arrived and I took a shower and got dressed in the new clothes. The new clothes smelled like hand sanitizer and they were white and grey sweatpants and shirt. I then went to the lobby ready to go. As soon as I walk in there my mom and dad immediately swarm me with questions and tell me to be more safe as we start walking in the car. 

Denki's POV*

I had gotten text from Sero telling me he had got released from the hospital and is coming back to school this Monday. 

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