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No one's POV*

Mitsuki was angry. Masaru tried talking Mitsuki into seeing Katsuki. Mitsuki didn't want to though since she thought it would only make him softer, Masaru didn't agree. 

"Baby-" He cut himself off seeing her scoff. "Mitsuki, he's still our son." Masaru said calmly. "Masaru I said no. It's only gonna make him soft, he's not a child." She said making breakfast. "Mitsuki please, he could die! What if he never wakes up? Would you say he's softer then?" Masaru said standing out of his chair. He tried to stay and look calm but she was getting on his nerves. He asked several times for weeks and every time he got the same answer. 

"Masaru I'm not talking about this conversation. This discussion is over." Mitsuki said putting a lid over a pot. "No it's not. Mitsuki I want to see our son because I will not sit here while he could be dying in a hospital bed. Mitsuki I'm trying to make this work but your not making this any easier." Masaru said putting on his shoes. "I'm not going and your not either. You don't want to make me angry." She said glaring. 

"Mitsuki I didn't even know our son was in the hospital until later. Mitsuki I tried to make you go with but if your not going then I will go alone. You been trying to control everything and I let you and that was my fault but I won't play these games with you. I'm not your puppet any more and I will go see our son no matter if you like it or not." He said trying not to raise his  voice. 

"No Masaru!" She yelled. He just ignored her and put on his coat. She yelled and screamed as he tried to get ready to go. "You will only baby him worse!" She yelled grabbing his arm. "Mitsuki move." He said angry. She only smirked thinking he wouldn't do anything. "No. Your not going to do anything." She said smiling.

 Masaru huffed and took a breathe to calm himself from doing anything illegal. "Move. Mitsuki." She didn't budge. "No, I know you won't hurt me because I will break you." As soon as she said that he yanked his arm from her, almost making her fall. "I'll break your damn cranium and show you where Katsuki inherited his damn dangerous temper." Masaru said walking to the door. 

"Masaru I swear to god if you walk out that door, I will never love you again."

"That's a price I'm willing to take to insure my son's safety. I loved you and thought you loved your family, but now you mean nothing because your actions show the truth." He said walking out the door. 

"Oh and Mitsuki?"

"What?" She asked grimly. 

"Fuck you and your love." He said.


I went to Kacchan's room. I smiled walking in there so if he did wake up he would see my smile but he was still not awake. I walked over to his bed and sat beside him. "Don't worry Love, I will wait for you no matter how long it takes." I said pushing some of his hair behind his ear. "Loving you has made my soul more worthy than any number Darling." I said feeling myself close to tears. I noticed the remote control to the T.V. so I put on Katsuki's favorite show just incase. 

I sat there for a good 2 hours just watching the show but also him until I heard a knock. "Come in." I said looking at the door and Masaru came in and sat down. He looked like he had been crying and hadn't got sleep. He noticed what show was on and looked at Katsuki. 

"Did you know that he used to watch this show for hours? Mitsuki hated it cause he wouldn't go to sleep without watching at least the theme song before bed. I would let him stay up with me and we sung the theme song and watched the show before she woke up." He said smiling at the memory. "It sounds like you and him have a good relationship." I said looking at him. "Yeah, although I wish it was as nice as before." He said looking at Katsuki with tears in his eyes. "Where's Mitsuki? Kacchan would probably want to see her also, when he wakes up." I asked. I probably shouldn't have since he looks so shaken up but it was probably because of Katsuki's situation.

"She didn't want to come." He said after a couple minutes of silence. "Why not?" I asked curiously. All the times when I went over to the Bakugou house when he younger, Katsuki would be around his mother all the time and they had a good bond so it didn't make since she didn't want to see her son. "She thinks it best for him and I didn't think the same way so I'm visited him. He's my son." He said quietly. After that we watched the show in comfortable silence. 

After a little while one of the nurses said it was 7:00pm so we had to leave. We headed down multiple hallways until we found the exit. I started walking away and Masaru asked "Do you need a ride?" I tried to tell him I didn't live that far but he insisted so we went to his car and started it up.

 The car was nice and had a family photo of the Bakugous obliviously younger since Katsuki was a baby in the photo. The photo was hanging on the rear view mirror. Masaru saw me looking at it and smiled at the photo. Soon enough he turned on the radio and one of my favorite songs was on. I mumbled the lyrics of Dynamite by BTS. The song reminded me of Kacchan so I sung along and so did Masaru because by the end of the song we had a couple of tears in our eyes but it wasn't sad this time, it was happy tears. Soon we reached my house where my mom was making katsudon cause I could smell it from the drive way.

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