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We watched a movie. We were all watching Matilda but in a couple scenes Sero and I noticed Todoroki was slightly flinching every time Matilda was fussed out by her father. Sero put held Todoroki's hand so I just smiled and let them have their ship moment. About 30 minutes later Kacchan went to pop some more popcorn but when he came back the scene was where Matilda got yelled at by Trunchbull and got stuck in the small closet with nails sticking out and was locked in there was playing and he dropped the bowl of popcorn to the floor. He looked like he was scared but snapped out of it when he realized the popcorn was on the ground. He cleaned it up and Mina unpaused the movie. 

We were almost at the end when Kacchan ran to the kitchen and closed the door behind him. Mina went to get up but I told her I would check up on him. 

Bakugou's pov*

I heard Deku's stupid voice and heard his footsteps so I wiped my tears and turned around when he came in. "Kacchan are you ok?" He said softly. I took a deep breath not really trusting my voice and nodded yes. The stupid nerd wouldn't leave though and kept asking me was I alright and kept being annoying. "Kacchan are you sure you ok? You got scared back there and I thought-" I cut him off. "Leave me alone and I wasn't scared at all. I just dropped it by accident. It slipped and fell, that's all. I don't care what you thought, I'm completely fine so go and watch the movie and stop trying to act like your my guardian or whatever." He looked at me with a sad look and just adverted my eyes and walked away into the other room. I heard him whisper something and leave. I just sighed and walked in the room after a couple of minutes and realized the movie was at the credits. 

After that we all changed into our sleepwear. I was the last one who changed. I was really tired and saw everyone was sleeping on the floor beside Mina's bed and some were on the couch. I just softly lied next to the person nearest not really caring who it was.

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