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Todo's POV*

I was just finished eating my cold soba and heard someone knock on my door. "Come in." I said leaning back on my pillow. "Shoto. You might not want to see me-" He started but I cut him off, "I don't." He sighed and took a seat. I watched him like a hawk. "What do you want old man?" I asked kind of annoyed. "I wanted to see if you are alright." He said quietly. I noticed he had puffy red eyes but at the same time I don't care, cause he deserves it. "I'm fine. You can leave." I said looking at him to the door then back to him. He took the hint and nodded. He left quietly which was weird before a nurse came in to check on me. 

Aizawa's pov*

"Ripped apart?" I said raising on of my brows. "Ah! Aizawa- sensei! I'm so sorry. I just didn't want another one of the doctors to wake up Kacchan or Denki." He explained quickly. "Ok. Well Iida has informed me of the situation but on the way here the elevator got stuck." I stated. "Oh. I got it handled don't worry about a thing." He stated. "So you, Kaminari, and Bakugou.....?" I asked. "Well we are all close friends Sensei. Don't worry about it Sensei." He stated with a smile. "Ok problem child." He then looked at Bakugou and burst into tears and told me what happened.

3rd POV*

Shigaraki was getting tired of waiting AFO to meet with him but Shiggy would wait even if it was 800 years before AFO came to place they were meeting because Shiggy thought his 'master' was the best person in the world and was his role model so he would wait until his heart stopped. Shiggy was tired though and wanted to sleep because he stayed up playing video games. His eyes was droopy as he watched Kurogiri clean the dishes. It kind of reminded him when he was young and would watch Kurogiri wash dishes while asking him questions about random things. And Kurogiri answered them no matter how dumb or smart or as ridiculous they were instead of brushing them off like his 'master'. 

"Shigaraki." AFO greeted. "Master." Shiggy replied. "I have to tell you something important but this could really help business." AFO sighed and continued. "As you know the heroes have been winning against us and that sorry group of villains that you conjured up isn't helping, so I need you to start recruiting heroes and vigilantes. I have a bunch of files left in my study for the people I want you to recruit." Shiggy was excited and happy but this wasn't the type of happy like when you learn your tall enough to ride the rollercoaster you drove there to see. No, this is the kind of happy when you learn that the teacher you never liked had got in accident so now you have the cool substitute for a couple months.

AFO then left Shiggy and told him to look through the files so that's what Shiggy did and to say he was surprised was an understatement. Shiggy looked through the first few and it was just a bunch of rookies but then he started realizing that these people had very deadly quirks. 

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