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Denki's POV*

I was mad. Did these nurses and doctors really think they could hold me and Midoriya back? I mean were two heroes in training and we both have powerful quirks. Some of the male nurses kept trying to pull me back to the point my jacket was starting to have a couple rips and holes. I didn't want to use my quirk on these doctors but they just wouldn't stop and then I heard a scream. I turned to see a whole bunch of doctors and Midoriya. Midoriya was using his quirk. I knew he didn't use a lot of it since he didn't leave any bruises on the  doctors but he did send the ones who kept charging at him, flying until there was none holding him back. He turned to look at me and I swear I saw his eyes were red for a second but that wasn't important right now. He went into the room followed by me. 

Izuku's POV*

I saw my Kacchan but noticed his heart wasn't contracting at all and the nurse looked to be in shock. She was just standing there frozen, seeing she was doing anything. I spotted a pair of defibrillators in a glass case. Denki seemed to notice what I was looking at and pulled his over his arm and broke the glass case. I started trying to get his heart at least to show any sign of living. Denki was crying but now he was saying please to Kacchan on repeat. I was kept trying until he started breathing and was finally having a regular heat beat. Denki moved the defibrillators and we bout hugged him and I gave him a kiss on the cheek, so did Denki but I was crying and sobbing. The nurse ran out of the room. After a while Denki cried himself to sleep but I couldn't sleep. What if Kacchan flatlined while I was sleep? I'm going to be up for a while but I'm just happy Kacchan is alive. I stayed beside Kacchan his hospital bed infront of him while Denki was behind him. After a little while a doctor came in telling us to go home and I flashed my eyes red at him and told him if he wakes up Denki or touch a single hair on his head or mine, he will be ripped apart and I won't go easy on him like I did with his little buddies and I will be here until I get ready to leave. Needless to say he left. 

Aizawa's Pov* 

I saw Sero's parents and they went to his hospital room and then Iida came towards me but I  just sighed after he told me what happened. I started to run towards the elevator but I heard a annoyingly loud voice. "Aizawa wait!" I heard Toshinori yell. "Not now AllMight!" I yelled back stepping in the elevator. But sadly a foot and arm stopped the elevator. I sighed again and looked up only to see Enji Todoroki and Toshinori Yagi. "This better be good!" I said to Enji. "And you have some nerve!" I said to AllMight. "Where is my son?" Endeavor yelled. "More importantly where is Midoriya?" Instead of answering I pulled them both by the arm inside the elevator. "Your son is in room 102." I said to Enji trying to hide the fear in voice since one of my students could be dying. Halfway through the ride AllMight and Endeavor started fussing and yelling. 

"Well at least I'm not retired."

"Well at least my family likes me!"

"At least-"

I cut them off.  "Both of you shut up!" I yelled and they both looked surprised. "Excuse me-" they started.  "I said shut up, one of my students could be dying right now and the audacity you two have. Enji I understand your worried for your son right now but I honestly couldn't tell if your just trying to make sure he can still be your puppet. And Toshinori, your only worried about Midoriya even though he isn't the one in the hospital bed. Bakugou is, so I suggest you stop trying to put on this equality act if you keep up this favoritism. Honestly can you two actually call your selves heroes? If I didn't know any better I'd think you'd both would be lower than villains cause at least they have the decency to not act like they aren't what they are. You two of all fools should know that." I said looking at them both. They both act like they are are saints when really we all know that isn't true. 

By this time I didn't notice the elevator stopped moving and was stuck until Toshinori pointed it out. I just sighed and pulled out my canister of Vodka. "Aizawa, I don't think now is the time to drink." AllMight said glaring at the drink. I could care less about what he thinks. "You know the amount of stupidity from you is infinite." I said carelessly. Enji just looked annoyed but paranoid at the same time.

It had been a couple hours and I left my phone in my car. I turned behind me only to see Enji is backed into the corner. He looks scared and like a little kid with his knees to his chest and head tucked in. "Endeavor." I said to which he ignored me and was breathing heavy. "Endeavor." I called again to get the same result. I turned back around and was halfway done with my Vodka.

It been at least 3 hours I turned to face him but he's crying silently. I didn't really want to help him but that's what being a hero is all about. Helping and saving people to win and help the world at least have a chance to treasure the innocent and sweet things that you can't get back. 

I called him but he just stared at me so I called again and bent down to his level. I called him again. "Endeavor." he didn't answer so I spoke a little softer since he reminded me of Eri when she cries. They both are silent criers but when they do cry they go to the corners of a room. "Enji, what's wrong?" This time he looked up and looked like a scared kid but I didn't know why. Allmight scoffed to which I had glared at him. "No, no, no, no, I need to get out of here." He said getting up panicking. "We are stuck genius." Toshinori said. "I need to go. Let me out!" He yelled  using his fire to which I used my quirk on him. His smoke was still in the air. "Let me out. Let. Me. Out. Now." He kept banging on the doors starting to cause dents. "Dude cut it out your going to just get us stuck in here longer." Allmight stated loudly. "NO! I want out!" Enji yelled while tears were streaming down his cheeks. "I'll try harder I swear....LET ME OUT!.....please mom....please" He stooped banging on the doors and started sniffling. I was using my quirk hoping that he wouldn't continue to use his and accidently burn us alive in the trapped elevator.

 After a little bit he calmed down enough and took a seat on the floor and sighed. I waited about 20 minutes before asking him, "What was all that about?" He just looked at me and opened his mouth to say something but he kept it in. "Say what you were going to say." I exclaimed. "I don't like small or closed off spaces." He said barely above a whisper. "Terrible childhood huh?" I said taking a seat of the floor near him but not to close. "Yeah." He said while looking away. "I never knew a big strong hero like Endeavor would be scared of a elevator." AllMight piped up mockingly. Enji was about to say something but I cut him off. "AllMight shut up. Like your supposed to be the symbol of peace but all I can tell is that your and old, musty, dusty man who knows good and well that I could whoop you any day of the week. I honestly don't see why you always act like your better than anyone else cause your just like a villain. And making fun of chilhoods? Really AllMight? Really." After I said that he vowed to say something else before the police started opening the doors. 

Enji's eyes were a little puffy since he was crying and was the 1st one out the elevator. AllMight was angry and walked towards the exit like a coward and didn't even ask about the hurt students. I told Enji about the acccident and his son's room number. I also told him that if hurts or try to make Todoroki his puppet in my presence or as long as I'm alive, I will protect my students. He just nodded and went to the room as I went back to check on my students. 

Turns out they all visited Sero, Todoroki, and Bakugou. They also told me Midoriya was acting possessive over Bakugou and Kaminari. Problem child usually doesn't act like that. So I knocked on the door to Bakugou's door. "What part of 'you will be ripped apart do you not understand 'doc!" he yelled as he slammed open the door.

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