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As I pulled up to my house I saw there was multiple cars parked outside. I then heard a scream that sounded like Mina and Aoyama. I parked my car a little bit outside of my yard and walked through the backyard. I checked to see if the window was locked and thankfully it wasn't. 

As soon as I got in I pressed my back to the wall and from the sound of it they were in the other room beside the one I was in. I went and looked around and realized I hid my gun in the desk over to my right. I didn't know if they were in trouble so I made sure it was loaded and walked straight ahead. 

I took a breath before going in. They all looked shocked at me. Probably because I was holding a gun. The last time they saw me I was the scared, nervous, and innocent kid that would most likely wouldn't hold a gun and just jump in the fight. Welp I'm not that kid anymore.

"What are you guys doing here? And how did you get in?" I asked putting my gun on my holster. 

"We used my hairpin." Said Ochako.

"And it's about Katsuki." Answered Mina. 

As soon as she said that I felt two tears flow down my face and then the other soon after and my heart skipped a beat. I haven't seen him in so long. I can't believe it's been a couple months since I last visited him. I jumped when I felt a hand rub my back and then realized it was only Kirishima. I quickly gathered myself but still sniffled.

"Thanks Kiri." I thanked him.

"No problem bro." he said with a small smile.

"Is Kacchan ok?" I managed to ask. 

"He woke up." Mina spoke up.

I could've swore I hallucinated. I looked at her and she was serious. I almost stopped breathing. "Well what are we waiting for? I have to see him!" I yelled running to the front door. I didn't even wait for them as I ran to my car and cranked it up. I was racing through the streets trying to get the hospital.

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