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No ones POV*

It has been a couple months of Sero, Todoroki, and Bakugou had being in the hospital. Almost everyone at U.A. has noticed the change in 1A. Mina and the girls stopped having sleepovers as much and they seemed more sadder but always seemed to put on a smile when told to, Momo especially. The boys of 1A had been training less and when they did they said it didn't feel right. 

Aizawa was very concerned for his class. He noticed slight changes in the students. Mina stopped talking and dancing during class. Kirishima stopped talking about manly things. Kaminari started carrying a photo of him and Sero in his pocket every class. Uraraka looked less cheery. Momo started stress eating every time Mr. Aizawa's or Present Mic's phone would ring. Iida stopped lecturing as much. The class looked gloomy.

Midoriya would skip training or days to go to the hospital and visit until one of the nurses would call Aizawa assuming he was looking after him or call Inko to pick Izuku up since he would be fallen asleep on the couch on the waiting area. Todoroki and Sero tried reassuring him everything would be fine but Izuku still wouldn't rest. He thought he needed to stay awake incase Bakugou wakes up or Todoroki and Sero's condition might worsen. 


Allmight was training Izuku really hard. He made Izuku run 3 miles without breaks and then he made him hit a punching bag till it broke. Izuku's hand was now bruised and bloody. So he walked to recovery girl's office but Allmight stopped him. "What are you doing young Midoriya?!" Allmight said grabbing Izuku's shoulder. Izuku looked at Allmight then his hand on him and then back to Allmight. Allmight pulled his hand off of Izuku but still  gave him mean, stern look. "I'm going to Recovery Girl's office since my hand is bleeding." Izuku said sighing. "Fine but be back in here, in at least 15 minutes. No exceptions." Allmight stated frowning. 

20 minutes later, Izuku was back in the training room. "What took so long?" Allmight shouted. "Apparently my knuckles was broken so she had to take more time to heal it." Izuku said in a tired voice. "I don't care, I told you no exceptions and you still took longer than I told you too! If you want to be a good hero your going to have to be better! This isn't a game!" Allmight yelled. 

"You know what Allmight?! I don't care anymore, your always telling me I'm not good enough but you know what? You need to worry about yourself, because let's be honest, when the people know your actually lying to them and just hiding behind your ego the villains is going to tear you apart." Izuku yelled matching Allmight's energy.

"Young Midoriya that's not the way you talk to me. I'm the 1# hero." Allmight said before he got cut off. "If you were really a hero then you wouldn't be telling a 14 year old that they can't be a  hero. A hero doesn't bring others down with them." Izuku said walking out the door. 

Sero's pov*

I was eating my chips before Izuku came in. He seemed really mad so I just tried to lift the mood. After a couple of jokes he calmed down a little. "So Midoriya, how is the class doing?" I asked curiously. "Every one is doing kinda okay but everyone misses you guys so try to get better faster." He answered. "I'mma use the bathroom right quick okay." I just kept eating my chips.

 When he came back he started asking me a lot of questions, mainly if I was alright and my heart monitor kept picking up and then going right back down. "Sero do you me to call a nurse?" He asked worried. "Nah bro, I'm high and I just down a couple of monsters(drink) before you got here." Once I said that he looked at me like I'm crazy. "How did you get high in a hospital when they check your blood and constantly watches you?" He asked. " I'm very sneaky. Also Ms. Carmicheal, my nurse, tried to take my drink but I got away with it by flirting and gave her my autograph for her son since he's a big fan. He's 9." Midoriya shook his head and smiled. After that he stayed and watched the rest of the movie FRIDAY with me and then went to Shoto's room.

No one pov*

Midoriyah went to Shoto's room and talked to him about soba flavors and then watched the movie Wolf Children. He then went to Katsuki's room. 

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