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I got ready as 8:15 approaches. I had on a white t-shirt and bed shorts. I was on my way to Mina's dorm when I feel like some one is behind me but when I turn around I don't see any one. It's weird cuz I been having a bad feeling since the last few days. Shaking off my thought I went through Mina's unlocked door. I saw almost everyone but Kacchan. They all were sitting on the floor and in a circle. "Where's Kacchan?" I said the host which was Mina. "He said he was gonna be late because something came up." She said while finishing her last nail with a light turquoise nail polish. It looked great on her. I sat in the circle closing the door behind me but not locking it. "Midoriya come here I got you a face mask." 

After a while everyone was starting to off the face mask cream. I still had mine on when I heard a knock on the front door and Mina asked me to answer it since I was the closets to the door. It was Kacchan in the doorway with a scowl on his face but this scowl is one of sadness and hurt mixed into one. I could tell he was upset and didn't want anyone to know so he put on a scowl. Mina asked who it was so I told her it was Kacchan and she somehow didn't put a mask on him unlike the rest of us cause we were forced. "Baku what skin care routine do you use?!" she shouted in shock. "None. Pinky." He said staring down into the floor. "Your lying." She stated still in shock he doesn't use one. "Are accusing me of lying Pinky?" He glared. "It's true. He doesn't. He gets it from his mother." I interjected before Mina got exploded. Everyone stared and eventually calmed down.

Since everyone in 1A was single Mina suggested everyone play spin the bottle. We were already in a circle so we just used an empty Cola bottle. Jiro was going to start first since it was originally Denki who was supposed to be first and took to long in her opinion. She spun it and it landed on Momo who blushed madly but so was Jiro. They both scooted up to be face to face and then Jiro took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and kissed Momo with a lot of tongue. Then they scooted back and it was someone else's turn. Uraraka decided she wanted to do it and grabbed the bottle and spun it and it landed on......ME?! I was completely shocked and was staring at the bottle and Uraraka scooted towards me and within seconds she had her lips on mine and as quick as she had her on mine they left and she scooted away. I noticed Tsui on looking sad for a minute and then Uraraka mouthed 'I'm sorry.' And then Denki spun the bottle and it landed.....

on Aoyama. As they both scooted close Denki couldn't keep in his giggles. And once they were about to kiss, Denki mumbled "Take me out to dinner first bro." Aoyama playfully rolled his eyes kissed him it was quick but enough to enjoy. Then Todoroki spun the bottle and it landed on Sero and he smiled. He scooted towards the other male who's face resembled a tomato. He put his arms around Sero's neck and kissed him with a lot of passion but Sero quickly kissed back and when they pulled back they were panting. Then it was Mina's turn and she spun it and it landed on a blushing Kacchan. His ears were red and his cheeks were red and so were the tip of his nose, his lips held a red, natural pout. He was so quiet as Mina scooted towards him and cupped his face with her hands and lifted his face. She then made eye contact and went to kiss him to which did with a lot of tongue and he kissed back after a second of realizing what just happened. When she pulled away he was so red and was slightly panting. Then it was Tsui's turn and she landed on Uraraka.

She scooted towards her and immediately kissed her with tongue and Uraraka's her levitated and when Tsui let go off Uraraka, Uraraka went to the ceiling. It was my turn and I spun and it landed on......KACCHAN?!!. Why must this world want me dead? I scooted towards him and I saw he was blushing and blushed back, I started doing silent prayers when I saw his hands heated up a little. I don't know where the sudden confidence came from but he was staring at his shoes so I lifted his face up to mine with my finger and my thumb brushed his bottom lip slightly and we made eye contact before I smashed my lips on his. I put my hand on his thigh and he opened his mouth slightly so I slipped my tongue in his mouth a put my hand slightly up more, needless to say I heard Mina clear her throat dramatically and rolled my eyes at her and pulled away for me and Kacchan panting slightly.

After that we all watched a movie.

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