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No One's POV*

Masaru was angry at Mitsuki but he still loved her which was why he went home to her. He didn't like arguing with her but he would do anything to make sure Katsuki was okay. He wanted Mitsuki to be there so when Katsuki woke up he would see his parents and judging my the way Izuku was with Katsuki he would be there when he wakes up too. 

He just wanted to be treated kindly and equally to his wife. He loved treating Mitsuki like a queen but she didn't try to help him. When she's hurt he helps her, when he's hurt she wants him to stop complaining. When he has a problem and asks her can she help him she says she has too many problems to help him. When he wants to have a date or wants to try something new she just wants to go shopping or does what she wants. He tried really hard to keep his calm especially when his wife would be in the wrong and make him take her side over Katsuki's. 

He was getting angry just thinking about it. He could remember when he wanted to spend Valentines with her and he got off of work waiting for her to get off work early like she promised. She came home at 3:00 in the morning the next day, and Masaru stayed up trying to wait for her still. He bought chocolates, flowers, cards, and a cake with her favorite toppings. He even got out wine for her. He tried to make her feel better by making feeling the water in the tub and decorated with rose petals around the tub and lit a couple of candles. Masaru tried to bathe with her and be romantic but she said she was tired of him and wanted to be left alone since she just got off of work. Katsuki spent that day with one of his friends so his parents could enjoy the day. The next day, since Mitsuki had her sleep and seemed more calm he tried to celebrate it that day instead but she didn't want to. He spent that Valentines day said and lonely but acted like it didn't hurt as much as it did.

Now he was getting flooded by these thoughts but quickly gathered himself and walked out his truck and back to the house of his wife. He tried to think of the times when she was nice to him like they were in high school.  

He walked in the house and didn't see Mitsuki so he went to his recliner and turned on the TV. After a little while Mitsuki came home and Masaru was sleep. She was barely able to open the  door with the keys but a couple minutes of trying she walked through the door. Once she saw Masaru she yelled at him but Masaru was still sleeping so she hit him with the closest object around her which was a book. It was heavy but it wasn't light and it was hardcover so when she hit him he woke up very quickly. 

"What the hell!? Mitsuki! What are you doing?!" He said trying to grab his glasses. After he put them on he saw how she was slightly swaying and  putting the book on the table and was walking close to him. "Masaru, why don't you love me anymore?" She said pouting slightly. "What?" He asked confused. "Don't you love me? I want you to love me like you used to." She said smiling next to him. "Like when we were in high school." She whispered in his ear. "Honey don't you think your too drunk for that?" He said nervously. He hated when Mitsuki was drunk mainly because she had mood swings and would get ticked off very easily. "I'm fine." She said with her words a little slurred but her eyelids were very droopy and she started dozing off.

"Come on Honey." He said picking her up bridal style. He was tired and lied her on the bed pull the covers over her much to her complaining she wanted him in the bed with her. He told her no and went to the couch and slept there for the night.

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