Chapter 1

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Ōtsutsuki Kaguya was, as far as the Elemental Nations were concerned, a Oni, a Demon. It was with good reason, the horns that adorned her forehead did nothing to dissuade that fact and she made no move to hide them. The extra eye that had settled itself in the middle of her forehead was another factor that had started the rumours, among others, there was also the point that if the horns and extra eye weren't there she would look quite beautiful, her long white hair enforcing the fact that her previous occupation was a princess, it also enforced rumour that she was a Succubus, a particular rumour that she found quite laughable. But it was the immense power that she wielded that drove the final nail into the coffin. While she couldn't bend the elements to her will, she did have that ability to manipulate them via the use of her three different eyes.

The White eye, as she called it, allowed her to see through walls almost 360 degrees with the exception of the small blind spot at her upper neck. It also allowed her to see some sort of circulatory system that was in dim everyone, besides herself, which glowed brightly. She theorised that it was whatever allowed her to do things that others couldn't but she wasn't sure, this type of eye occupied the two eye sockets on either side of her face and were a pale white, making her seem blind, which she was anything but.

The Tome Eye, for the tomes that rotate around the pupil, allow her to see the world slower than normal, in addition to being able to memorise whatever she saw as well as being able to see a downgraded version of the circulatory system that the White Eye could see. The Tome Eye, that was completely red with a pupil in the centre and three tomes that swirled around it, was located in a slit in the middle of her forehead that was shared by what was, in her opinion, her most powerful eye.

The Rinnegan had a ripple-like pattern, which spreads over the entire eyeball, with light purple sclera and irises. While it so far gave her the ability to manipulate, what she had dubbed, the five basic elements, those being wind, water, fire, earth and lightning. She had the ability to change the Rinnegan with the Tome Eye at will by shutting the slit that both eyes where located in and concentrating on the eye she desired. She could also feel there were other abilities just waiting to be unlocked, she had the potential of a god at her very finger tips and it made her shiver in anticipation just thinking about unlocking the secrets of the eye. It had an unknown potential that she would spend the rest of her life unravelling if that is what it took.

The Usagi no Megami, or Rabbit Goddess, was currently seated kneeling on a balcony of a monastery that peered over much of the lands that were being bathed in the darkness of the night. The monastery itself is high in the mountain ranges of the Lightning Daimyō lands, which once housed monks that search for enlightenment, the meaning of life, if Kami exists, blah, blah, blah. She didn't actually pay attention to what they were doing here, or what they were screaming at as she slaughtered them or as burned their library down with them inside when they tried to barricade themselves in. The monastery was build on top of a mountain, with numerous areas that were to her liking.

None of that mattered though, what did matter was that she sensed something, something that was gaining power, maybe within several years at the current rate, its power would be above her own. She could only hope it would stop before then, otherwise who knows what would happen.

'Whatever it is, it has been growing in strength for the past week.' She thought, 'It seems similar to the Shinju fruit that I ate, yet different. As far as I am aware the mortal plane is forbidden to 'gods' as even half the power of a god fully manifesting on the mortal world would crack it like an egg. Or at least that's what the ancient texts state although it was written by mortals not gods so it is mostly based on theory rather than fact. It could be an avatar of a god, that would make more sense and if it is similar to the presence that Shinju fruit it means that it is most likely an avatar of the Shinju. The question is, why is the Shinju awakening now? It is obviously about the fruit I devoured, but that was a couple of years ago, so why awaken now? Why not earlier when I couldn't control my new strength? Something must have changed. And if my feelings are correct, it is due to what else happened in the past week.'

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