BIO and Important Info

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Hello everyone and welcome, just a little bit of information for you that you are free to read, or totally ignore, up to you. Though i recommend that you read it just so you can see if this is a fic that you even want to bother with.

Nothing worse than reading for hours into a story only to find out you don't like it.

I have changed my writing style quite a bit since finishing my previous story so here is a list of what to expect from my writing.

Firstly, i don't normally talk about what a character is wearing unless it is important. The reader can choose whatever they want to wear, it is a reader insert. Which is also why i don't mention the MC's hair color. Or any notable features. They are you.

Secondly, the chapters i write are long, and they always will be, they will always be between 8,000 and 12,000 words. If I'm going to upload something i don't want it to be something someone can read in like 10 seconds. Imagine waiting a month for an update only to have four lines and that's it. Yeah, not for me.

Thirdly, i barely use images in my stories either. I assume most people know what the Hoyoverse females look like. Plus i will be describing them in words.

Lastly, this will be a rather large harem, however i do have some experience with those and you won't have to worry about being overwhelmed by the number. Every girl is important to the story and most of them even have their own arcs. None of them feel unimportant or just thrown in, i make sure of that when writing.

If you aren't a fan of any of the above then you may not like this story that much, and that's totally fine. 

Your Mother

Your Mother

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Your Father

Your Father

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Just a couple of last minute things before jumping in, most of the time in fics that i have read for SAO the MC shares the limelight with Kirito. That won't really be the case in this story.

Kirito has his path and the MC has his own, while they will merge a couple of times, it is important to remember that Kirito is not the main character of this fanfic.

Last but not least, my upload schedule. I do not have a set schedule, however most of the time i will be uploading three chapters at a time. That is how i did it with my last fic and how i will be doing it with this one as well.

I will see you guys in the first chapter.

God of Gaming // SAO x Male Reader x Hoyoverse HaremWhere stories live. Discover now