Chapter 16: Love Is in The Air

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A/N: Alright, this is the last one. It's also by far the longest chapter in this story so far since lots of things are happening at the same time.

In the next batch of chapters the story will be pushed forwards a lot so look forward to that :)

Anyway, enjoy the date with Yoimiya.

In the early hours of the morning within the virtual world of Aincrad, the sun slowly began its ascent above the horizon, casting a gentle cascade of pink and orange hues across the canvas of the sky.

As the luminous rays of the sun filtered through the labyrinthine alleyways of the first floor, you found yourselves standing before a rather large, run down church, discreetly enclosed within the back alleys of the Town of Beginnings.

With Yoimiya's hand intertwined with yours, both of you stared up at the church for a couple of seconds before she spoke.

Yoimiya: So, this is where you wanted to stop by?

With a nod, you untangled yourself from her hand and advanced towards the large wooden front doors.

Y/N: I don't know why, but something is telling me to do something here... I'm trying to take your advice and let my thoughts flow.

In response, Yoimiya emitted a soft chuckle, her laughter muffled by her hand as she tried to contain her voice.

Yoimiya: You're so cute. I'll wait for you over there okay.

With that she slowly backed away from you, eager to watch from afar, but didn't want Sasha to see her since it may interfere with what you were trying to do.

Exhaling deeply, you walked forwards and stopped right in front of the doors. You extended your hand and knocked on the door a couple of times.

You had to acknowledge that it was relatively early in the morning, so the possibility that no one would answer was rather high. But if they didn't, then you would revisit another time.

After knocking on the door a few more times, you stepped back, waiting for any form of response.

A minute passed without anyone appearing to answer the door, you understood why; they likely mistook you for one of the armored men from the day before.

As you opened your mouth and prepared to reveal your identity, you were interrupted as the door groaned open slightly, revealing someone peering through the gap.

Upon recognizing you, the individual's eyes widened, prompting them to slowly swing open the weighty door, revealing Sasha, dressed in a suitable work dress.

She stepped out of the church and then closed the doors behind her.

Sasha: The Demon of Aincrad... umm... how may I assist you today?

Y/N: I apologize for the unexpected visit. I hope I didn't wake you.

Sasha flinched slightly at your words. She did not expect this demeanor from you at all, but she smiled, nonetheless.

Sasha: No, not at all. I was just preparing breakfast for the kids.

Y/N: I see... and how many children live here with you?

She tilted her head in response to the unexpected question, pondering for a moment before offering a smile.

Sasha: I think we are up to 30 now, since I took in a couple last week. They were forced to carry equipment for an orange party...

Her eyes narrowed in fury.

Sasha: Just being used as extra inventory space... disgusting. It's as if some people here have forgotten what it means to be human.

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