Chapter 7: I Want You

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A/N: Alright, last chapter for a little bit, i will begin writing the next batch of three pretty much right away. Anyway, this chapter kinda goes a little fast, i didnt want to spend like 5 chapters on the tournament alone, so i just covered the important parts, so i'm sorry if it feels a little fast.

Anyway, please enjoy :)

The morning sun spilled into the expansive colosseum's center as you directed your gaze towards your opponent. A resounding beep filled the area as the number three shifted into two.

Another beep followed, initiating a cascade of cheers from the crowd, escalating in volume. Eventually, the man in front of you bent his knees, hoisting his sword to rest along his back. A yellow glow emanated from the weapon, signaling the activation of a sword skill.

Closing your eyes briefly, a vast list of skills materialized in your mind. Swiftly scanning it, you reopened your eyes.

Once you read something, it was etched into your memory permanently—a skill you were born with, a double-edged sword in every way imaginable. No matter how much you desired to forget something, it proved impossible.

Y/N: Broadsword skill... Avalanche... What a mundane choice.

Your sword remained devoid of any glow, and the final beep echoed through the stadium, intensifying the cheers.


He planted his feet into the ground with such force that the surface cracked and shattered beneath him. Propelling himself into the air, rocks and debris scattered, impacting the colosseum wall.

Unmoved, you stood still, as his colossal body approached at a speed that would leave a normal player little chance to block.

Y/N: 2-second wind-up... 1... 2...

He appeared in front of you in a split second and his hulking body blocked out the entire sun as you stood in his shadow and looked up at his face which had a massive toothy smile on it.

Y/N: Three seconds to impact... 1... 2...

11: SEE YA BRO!!

Y/N: 3...

His sword cut through the air like a bullet, aiming to cleave you in half. With a simple turn of your body and a step to the side, the blade grazed your cloak, crashing into the ground with destructive force, sending rocks and dust flying.

Announcer: Ohhh!! What a brutal first attack by contestant 11, he came out swinging!! Is that it for the first match up?!

Jingliu clasped her hands together, sighing to herself.

Jingliu: (It's over... as I suspected... that man is nothing but a hulking brute. What a fool; I would have enjoyed cutting him into pieces myself.)

Suddenly, a resounding sound echoed through the entire colosseum—a sword slicing through the air with a magnificent SHING!

You executed over ten slices in under a second. Jingliu vividly heard every bit of it, like a blade cutting through the sound barrier. White lines appeared all over his body in a crossed pattern, almost every part of his body bore a cut. The speed at which you dismantled him sent a shockwave through the air, dispersing the accumulated dust from his barbaric swing.

Y/N: I told you not to call me that...

You strolled past him, sheathing your sword on your back, while your opponent remained frozen with his sword still lodged in the ground where you had been standing.

Suddenly, your opponent's health bar plummeted into the yellow zone, swiftly followed by your own overtaking, and expanding, leaving only your name hovering in the center of the crowd. A hush fell, and the only audible sounds were your measured steps retracing towards your gate, accompanied by the weighty panting of the now shaking and kneeling giant.

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