Chapter 8: Master of All

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A/N: Alright, back with three more chapter. This is probably going to be the last 'slow' batch. After these chapters things are going to move a little quickly considering that the SAO party is complete after these.

Also, i realized that i fucked up, i was so pissed at myself for it too. I have no clue if anyone else noticed this but in SAO at the time of these chapters it's supposed to be End of January, beginning of February, and I wrote it like bright as hell outside and there is no snow like there was during the new years festival in the previous chapter.

Like, where tf did all that snow go... ughhh, i hope people don't mind that i totally messed up the weather.

Anyway, please enjoy!!

The surrounding world faded into insignificance, the subtle sound of the exuberant crowd grew louder, accompanied by Yoimiya's excited cheers from her elevated seat. You and Clorinde stood motionless, facing each other.

Allowing Clorinde to make the first move was not an option; you needed to take the initiative this time. The probability of her making a mistake was minimal, and you were acutely aware of this fact.

Carefully observing her figure, you made sure to stay clear of the expansive red dome enveloping her, though you knew that eventually, you would have to charge straight into it.

There was one more thing that caused you confusion while observing her body. Although not immediately apparent, you detected a missing element in her stance, something you hadn't noticed until confronting her directly.

But sadly, time did not permit such thoughts, and before you could delve deeper into her incomplete stance, you took a deep breath, and a profound silence enveloped everything. The only discernible sound was the rhythmic beat of your heart, gradually quickening with excitement.

Then, in a matter of seconds, and without warning, chaos erupted, a frenzy faster than the eye could follow. The ground shattered, forcing the audience to shield their faces from airborne debris. Simultaneously, you and Clorinde propelled off the ground, meeting precisely in the middle of the stadium.

With the force of over a thousand men, Clorinde swung her sword horizontally, aiming to cut across your chest. Fortunately, anticipating her arm movements ahead of time, you brought your sword down vertically to intercept hers. In a magnificent display of sparks, your swords clashed and shattered the sound barrier, dispersing any dust in the area. You both pushed against each other like an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object.

The ground beneath you crumbled as both your feet and Clorinde's sank into the earth under the intensity of your clash.

Y/N: (This is it!! FINALLY!!)

A disturbingly massive grin adorned your face, sending a shiver down Clorinde's spine. Bending your knees, your feet sinking deeper, and your arm bulging with exertion as you pushed against her sword.

Sparks flew as metal scraped against metal, but Clorinde, far from yielding, recognized the difference in physical strength and skillfully used your own force against you. Slowly tilting her sword to the side, your sword scraped along hers, eventually swinging down into the ground with such force that it shattered the earth, creating a small crevasse in the stadium.

With your sword embedded in the ground, Clorinde rotated away, gaining a free shot at your body. Raising her sword quickly, she thrust it forward, only to widen her eyes when you let go of your sword, which was stuck, and leaned back, allowing her blade to pass perilously close to your face, barely skimming your nose.

Your sword dematerialized and swiftly reappeared in your hand as you navigated your menu with your free hand.

Sensing her disadvantage, Clorinde attempted to create distance, but you were too fast. Raising your sword to the side, you brought it forward as she tried to evade. Although you didn't land a solid cut, she received a shallow gash to the side of her ribs.

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