Chapter 12: Hyper Clearing

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A/N: Alright, we climb a lot of floors in this chapter which causes a time skip, then we get into the good stuff, lots of development.

Hope you all enjoy!

True to your word, straight after defeating the 22nd floor boss, you proceeded directly to the 23rd floor dungeon.

Given that you and your party were significantly over-leveled for the 22nd floor, the 23rd floor presented a slightly stiffer challenge as you were just on par with the monsters there already. Nevertheless, it didn't hinder your party's seamless advancement, effortlessly steamrolling through the dungeon mobs which seemed like demon type monsters, grotesque and ugly.

With you at the helm as the battlefield tactician, everything unfolded smoothly until you arrived at the 23rd boss door sooner than you had anticipated. But longer than a lot of the members of your party wanted.

Another benefit of your memory was you remembered which ways were wrong and which were right, making mapping a pointless endeavor. Though since this was your first time in this particular dungeon a touch of luck was indeed necessary.

Eula: Two bosses in one night, I believe we will be the first party to do so.

Yoimiya giggled and then nodded her head toward the confident blue-haired girl.

Yoimiya: Probably, it's kinda exciting actually.

You shared a rare smile with your girlfriend as you observed Ganyu's nerves gradually easing after the previous boss encounter; at least she knew what to expect this time and that was a weight off her shoulders.

Then, once again you pushed the door open with a gentle shove, and the clash with the night's second boss commenced.

Unlike its predecessor, this adversary was nearly the polar opposite. It was massive and sluggish like a demon born straight out of the vilest pits of hell, yet its attacks had substantial reach, most covering around half the boss room. However, its vulnerability was glaringly obvious, with a colossal eyeball at the center of its fat grotesque stomach that was hard to miss.

This particular battle proved significantly tougher compared to the preceding one, and you were forced to join the front line alongside Eula and Shenhe, while leaving Clorinde and Jingliu to primarily deal damage.

This adjustment extended the battle duration considerably, but it was unavoidable. Assuming a tank role, you refrained from utilizing your Final Gambit and ensured the careful management of everyone's health bars on top of directing the flow of the battlefield.

However, just like all the previous bosses, this one also fell to you.

As the battle raged on, the towering demon boss loomed over your now panting party, its grotesque form casting a menacing shadow. You, Eula, and Shenhe stood firm at the forefront, shielding the others from the brunt of the beast's onslaught.

The demon roared deafeningly, swinging its massive fist toward you with relentless fury. With precise coordination, you and your fellow tanks intercept the blows, enduring the impact with gritted determination.

As its fist impacted the massive shield in your hand the wind causing the ground beneath the three of you to implode sending rocks and debris flying across the massive demon castle like boss room.

Y/N: Now!!

Heading your command, Jingliu and Clorinde seized the opportunity to unleash devastating strikes upon the demon's now vulnerable flanks, their swords slicing through the air with deadly precision. Each strike elicited a pained howl from the creature as it reeled from the most recent onslaught.

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